Jim the venting bug

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When I woke up I found Jim in the bathroom on the wall when I was going to use the bathroom. It took me 20 mins to get of the wall and put him outside. While I was in the kitchen I could see him at the window trying to give me puppy eyes. I had my breakfast before I let him in to have his while I got dressed to go to an abandoned warehouse that Tony just brought.

We left on a motorcycle that they gave me as a welcome to the team gift. I pulled right outside and parked my motorcycle by the entrance. I saw Tony with a vent set up though it. Once Tony saw me he gave me a hug and gave Jim a chest bump.

" The compound that she is at has a gate that is powered to keep closed. We need Jim to go in to disable it and the only way that possible is by him using vents. So I build this vent system for him to learn." Tony said

" Oh god, you know you be making him more scary and cause more mischief?" I said back.

" I know that was going to happen so I made the vents Jim proof"

" Come on, you teach me how to use them and I can not use them to mess with y'all?" Jim tranlater said.

" Yes, no one want to wake up and see a mutant beetle by their side." I said back with a little chuckle.

After that was said Tony started teaching him about them. He showed where the good spots to grab to and not to grab to. They also ran though the different setups of them. I was laughing in my head everytime Jim misstep and fell though them. After four hours Jim learned how to vent and also learned that the gravity from falling make Jim even more deadly.

After we were done we head to fury to talk about me possiblely staying here instead of coming back. He brought us to a park in the middle of New York city. He also got us some pizza for us to eat. We sat at a bench to talk while Jim was borrowed in the ground.

" I know you want to go back home after this is over but is there anything we can do to keep you here? It will be handy to have someone like you stay." Fury asked.

" There is one thing which would lead to another issue. My childhood best friend who is also a reverent to come here."I said

" We can make that happen, does he also have a beetle as well? I need to know if he does."

" No he does not so you do not have to worry about another Jim. I know why you asked that. I have to go use the bathroom really quickly." I said before I grabbed a biohazard bag and left to go.

Fury pov

I was left here with Jim most likely below my feet. I heard some footsteps behind me and saw someone a couple of feet away from stabbing me. All of a sudden Jim jumped up and latched on to the person's face. Jim jumped off while I sucker punched the guy and knocked him out. After I did I looked at Jim and he looked at me before he spoke to me.

" I just saved you life, you are still scared of me?" Jim asked

" Yes but not because of you, more because how deadly in general you are." I said back not trying to offend him.

" That is understandable, thank you for clearing it up." Jim said before deactivating his armor. Once she got out she left with Jim while I went back to my office finally taking a deep breath from what happened.

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