encountering Ultron

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I woke up the next day and took a nice shower. I grab a fresh set of combat clothes and headed to the kitchen. I cook Jim and I some breakfast before heading to the tower. I hoped in a truck that Tony brought me so I could approve on my cabin. We drove to the tower and went in. I saw everyone around going though some paperfiles.

" Did the files get affected by Ultron attacked?" I asked with Jim on my back.

" He took them and deleted any info we had on our database. What do you think he is looking for to 'evolve'?" Tony asked.

" Is thier a really strong metal on this planet? He would try to make a body from that." I said.

" I have an idea who he might be going after." He said. We go though the files till we find a thief that stole from a place called wakanda and took a ton of vibariam. We got sutied up and head to the locatin of his operation. We could tell that Ultron was here already and he means business.

After we went inside we tried to convince him to stop. After a little talking he attack Tony and the others. The theifs henchmen's started fighting us and the robots. I was fending them off with my stun buton. A little after we dealt with them the girl tried mind trick Thor but he was not affected that easily. Steve and Nat got affected by her mind trick and are lost in their minds.  She tried to mind trucked me but Jim was able to scare her enough for the boy to pick her up. She also mind control Bruce and set him off. Tony was able to go to him and clam him down.

Once everyone was back in the ship we took off. We were not able to go back to the tower. Tony filled Maria on the status of the team. So far bruce has no charges when he went on that little rampage. Clint was flying the guinjet while I was sitting behind him.

" Are you sure you are ok, I know that she would definitely try mind tricked you" Clint said.

" Yes I am ok, Jim scared her good enough that she lost the element of surprise and got out before I could capture her" I said back.

" I would be shook to see a big bug too. Do you want to stop by your cabin to grab Neagn and any special supplies?" He asked.

" That would be very good thing to do. I will have Tony come with me to get the stuff while you keep an eye on everyone else." After flying for an hour we landed at my cabin. We grab Neagn and the other supplies before leaving to go to Clint's "safe house".

" Hey sweet, I want you to know the people you see know that you are a very ungie person on this team. They might look at you a little odd at first." Clint said

" That fine some people did not see a reverent on Terra before they saw me or Ghost69. I will try to keep Jim under control the best I can" I said. Thrtiy mins after we landed at his "safe house"

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