arrival of Jenna

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It been a couple of days after the fight at Asgard. Jim and I visited the compound in the middle nowhere 15 mins from my cabin( I am 40 mins away from the city). I went to bed with Jim In his own little one and woke up to seeing Jim not in his bed. Shortly after I heard a yell come from another bedroom. I go and see that peter parker is on the ceiling and Jim is on his bed laughing.

" I see you met my pet bettle Jim." I said to the man-spider on the ceiling.

" Your pet? Why did he come and visit me then?" He asked.

" He see you as part spider so in his eye you are also part insect. All I can say is good luck."

" Oh, thank you for letting me know. I will try my best to deal with him." He said after it got down back to the floor and went into the bathroom.

We both went back couple hours later to our cabin. I started making us some lunch while we are waiting for Thor to come back. We had some venison with a side of corn. After we got done and started cleaning the dishes we heard him come back. Jim was about to hug him but stoped once he saw another beetle.

" So you went to terra and grab another Jim? Is it yours or mine? One is hard enough as it is." I said

" Yes I did, this one is for me. This one is actually a female one" Thor asked.

" Hello there my little angel, want to go and chill in the ground for a little?" Jim asked. Shortly after they dug down and was down their for 5 hours.

I helped train him how to understand it and what type of care they need. Thor was doing really good for not knowing how to deal with creatures from my planet. Jim and jenna( yes he named it that, I have no idea why) kept hanging out for a solid amount of hours per day. There is one night I will never forget and wished I did not see it.

Me and Thor was trying to get some sleep when we heard noise downstairs. I went down to check it out. When I walk down I saw something that I never imagined I was going to see and wished I didn't. Jim was on top of Jenna and Making a certain motion. After a few seconds in a state of shock Jim spoke.

" Can you leave us alone mom" Jim asked. I nodded and head back upstairs.

" What was the noise?" Thor asked once I entered back into the room.

" You do not want to know, on a side note the beetles are going to need their own mini
House." I said as I laid back to bed trying to go to sleep. I woke up around 7 in the morning and ate some guick breakfast. I grab the resources to make a mini house with a patch of dirt in the center as the front door.

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