saving asagard and the killing of hela

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It has been a couple of days since we finally took them both down once and for all. Nat has been staying in the guest room and keeping me company. I had to shut off Jim translator six time because he will not stop flirting with her. We both talk about the survival challenges we had to go though. I also asked if she has a crush. She said no but she is very interested in meeting my childhood friend ghost. While I was talking about his bizarre things he did I got a call from Thor.

" Hey sweetie, Asgard is in trouble and I need your help." Thor said

" I am on my way, try to hold them off for a good 10-20 mins." I said

" Who are we going to help?" Nat asked.

" Thor, Asgard is under attack." I replied back.

" Let me grab a couple of guns and I will be at the ship." Nat and I grab some weapons and left to go to help Thor. Jim is in the seat right next to me just waiting to use his laser. I use the upgrade Tony and I came up with and wormhole to Asgard.

As we entered into Asgard I see a massive hroad of Asgardian zombies charging towards the survivors. I fly right above them doing a strafting run on the zombies. Mist of them got hit but there was a lot more coming.

" Nat, you fly this and do strafing run every chance you get. Me and Jim is going down to face them head on." I said to Nat

" I got you covered, go kick some butts" she said right before I grab my katana. Jim and I jumped down landing right in front of them.

" Hey hemindail, Thor called saying you guys might need some help. By the way this is Jim." I pointed to the beetle in my back.

" Nice to meet you Jim, we really appreciate your help sweet" he said back before Jim, him and I was in defence position. They charge in and I started to slice them up like they were butter. Hulk came down and handled a big beast. A big ship came to save them. As they were getting on there was a blast of thunder coming from the palace. Thor came down and slammed into a group that was getting piled up to go after him.

After killing all of them hela came out to face us. We took turns at her trying to hurt her. We were all kocked to the ground. Thor stand up with a determination in his voice.

" You want Asgard, it yours " Thor's said.

" Whatever game you playing it won't work. You can not defeat me" hela said.

" I know, but he can" Thor said while one eye looking at Jim. Right afterword he jump on her face causing her to move close to the egde then pushes her off after poisoning her with a bit. He jump off after she starts to fall and lands back on his legs.

" Enjoy the internal void, bitch." Jim said. We all had a light laugh. They landed back in Asgardian center and drop off everyone. Nat pick Bruce,Jim, and I up. We flew back to earth and went to our humble abode. Thor said he be back soon, said that he needed to do something really guickly.

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