visiting Asgard

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I woke up from my sleep to Jim laying on top of me. I can tell he is worried about me going somewhere without him. I tell him that Tony is going to be dropping Thor off and picking him up to keep him company. He got so happy that he tried to drive me out of my bed. We ate some breakfast I cooked before eating for them to get here and took one of my pills to help with my PTSD. Once they got here Thor gave give a pat on the head. Jim went into the guinget and left to go have some fun with Tony.

Me and Thor stand close to each other before a lot of light hits us. Once the light stopped I was standing in a weird building with someone holding a sword in the middle of it.

" Welcome back Thor, it is also an honor to meet you Sweetjm. Welcome to Asgard, thors home planet." Heimdall said.

" Thank you, I am here to see if you can fix me atleast?" I asked.

" Yes and to also introduce you to my parents." Thor said. After he said that a horse shows up at the entrance. We hop on it and ride it to the castle in the center. The guard let us in and led us to Odin. The door opens and I see his father sitting on the throne. His mom was by his side standing there.

" Hello there father, this is the person I want to introduce to you to. She came from a planet that a zombie apocalypse happen and was tracking the last of the one that caused. They overcame it but she got infected becoming half human-half zombie. She is also my girlfriend." Thor said

" So you are the oddball I felt on midgaurd. We will see if we can do anything to help you in your unique situation."Odin said.

" It must have been terrible to go through all of that. I am going to make sure you are treated like a queen while you are here." Frigga said.

" Thank you so much for trying to help me. I just want my body to resiset the infection in my body better." I said.

" Let me take you to our healer in our castle. They will help you the best they can. Thor you go and talk to your father. I think he want to know more about her." Frigga said.

She took me to the healers and they put me in their medical capsule. They injected me with some Asgardian blood to help give my body more resistance to phisyal damage and more stamina. After I was done we went to the dining hall and ate some marvelous food from the kitchen staff. I talk with Thor's parents and they happen to like me a lot. Before we left to go back to earth they said I was welcome back at anytime. We landed back at my cabin and I called Tony that we on back. He drop off Jim and picked up Thor before leaving again. I went to bed shortly after landing back on earth.

When I woke up I got a phone call from fury saying that hydra found ghost69 here and is going to capture him. I left to go to the cords to save him. When I landed I saw no sign of life then I got surrounded by 200 hydra agent. They handcuffed me and put a bag on my head. I woke up in a contrete cell that just had a door. After I was up for 15 mins the forth scientist came in with a couple of hydra guards.

Jim pov
After I saw my mom get taken by hydra, I went straight to the tower. I pop out of the dirt and went into the avenger compound. I went to the elevator and found Thor. When Thor saw me he was looking for Sweet.

" She was lured into a trap and taken by hydra, we have to find her soon" Jim tranlater says.

" They will feel the wrath of Odin. We will find her as soon as possible." Thor said

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