part 1

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Four murders in seven days.

It was a nightmare. You'd heard the stories, sure. Seen the movies. But you'd never thought it would actually happen to you.

That's what you got for transferring to Woodsborough of all places.

Your phone buzzes as you finish locking the remaining doors. It's Tara, your girlfriend.

where are you? still coming over?

You look outside. It's dark already, and the thought of leaving the house when there's a lunatic running around scares the shit out of you.

not tonight sorry, baby. lost track of time. don't want to leave Chase here by himself.

You contemplate asking her over. Her sister is in town, and you'd been trying to give them some space to reconnect. Sam was with her, you assured yourself. Besides, the last thing you wanted was her leaving the safety of her home and getting attacked.

"YN! Popcorn ready?"

You drop your phone to the counter, check on the popcorn in the microwave.

Stab 5 was playing at Chase's insistence.

Chase had been your first friend at Woodsborough high, before you'd met anyone else, even Tara. Since you'd started dating her, you hadn't seen him much. He'd asked you over tonight - your parents were out and he didn't want you on your own. You'd promised Tara you'd come over after school but you'd make it up to her another time, you figured. It was nice being with Chase again, even under such terrifying circumstances.

You tell him so.

"You know why that is, right?" He laughs, shoveling a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "Your girlfriend hates me."

You roll your eyes.

"She does not."

"Does too. Every time I see her she gives me these eyes."

He squints, twists his face into an angry glare.

"Like she wants to kill me."

"You're imagining it." You tell him.

Throw a kernel of popcorn at him.

"Uh huh." He says, turning his gaze back to the movie, "Sure."

Talking about Tara had always been weird with him. He'd had a thing for you, back in the day, when you'd first met. He'd even asked you out once. But you already had your sights set on Tara and nothing could deter you. He'd taken it well-ish.

"How are things going with her, anyway?" His voice casual. You look over.

"Good." You say. "Great. Why do you ask?"

He doesn't look away from the TV. Shrugs, but it's tense. Like he's trying to appear more non-committal. You suddenly feel uncomfortable.

"Just wondering."

The movie plays a little, you let awkward silence wash over the room. Peer down at your phone. No response from Tara. Maybe you should have gone to her house after all.

"I-" He says suddenly, then stops. Purses his lips.


"It's nothing." He says. "Nevermind."

You stare.

"What, Chase?"

"I just get a weird vibe from her sometimes. That's all."

You blink, caught off guard.

"You don't know her." You say, instantly defensive. "There's no vibe. She's perfect. She's the perfect girlfriend."

all hers | tara carpenter x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now