And.... that's already 100 deaths

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My name is unknown even to me. My mother never told me as she said it was a curse and I guess maybe it was true considering how my life has turned out.

I work as an assassin even though I'm 15. People hire me from all over the world on the black market to kill certain people and I get paid big money for it. They have a variety of motives as well. Sometimes it's a case of their crush breaking up with them. Other times people just want to see other people suffer for no apparent reason. Most people are sceptical though on the black market so I don't really hear that many motives but when I do it's music to my ears.

Many my fate was always just to be an assassin. I was never really good at anything else. The other kids in my school bullied me because I would always get really bad grades in my exams no matter what subject. I don't know what was wrong with me. I tried sports but we aren't even going to go over that because then I would have to describe the incident with the spatula and the bird. Don't question it.

I remember my first murder and I will remember it well for the rest of my life. I found out that my father was having an affair and at that point I vowed revenge. I remember the screaming, the crying, the pain that he was in. As I slowly burned his tongue off with the same cigarette brand that he took. I realise that was what I was good at. I was good at torturing people and making them feel pain as they die. I don't understand why people found it so weird that I had committed so many assassinations. It's just a talent like being able to do equations in maths or solve a Rubik's cube. But never mind that I guess whatever name my father gave me was a curse and a blessing??? I don't know and frankly I don't really care. All I care about is getting paid.

The story begins in Seoul. I had just moved as I got another task to complete. The task was simple. For every kill I get in a specific high school called Flowers high, I get £1,000. I was ecstatic when I got this task. I did my research and I found out there were 100 students per class and theres 20 classes. I did the maths on a calculator obviously because I'm awful at maths and worked out that if I managed to kill all of the students I could get a maximum of £2000000. Dreamy!!!

After 2 hours of waiting on the aeroplane I finally got out. The air was so fresh or email not been and maybe I was just smelling the potential 2 million but I didn't care. I had obviously booked a hotel because I wasn't going to sleep in a school. I already didn't like my own. After a mini task that I had done before I booked a plane to seoul, I had enough money to afford a room in one of the most expensive hotels and hot damn it was amazing. I felt like one of those posh Victorian English kings. If I didn't know any better I would have assumed I was in a castle. Didn't king Henry VIII have 6 castles or was it that six wives. Was it even six why am I now getting feelings that it was 9 castles or 9 wives. I'm dumb but at least I'm rich.

When I went on the bed I immediately fell asleep. It was so comfy my eyes just couldn't keep Holding for any longer. When I awoke I was greeted by a servant who was clearly dressed to look like a vampire. He placed the box on my bedside table and left. I opened it expecting to find breakfast but instead I saw a note. It said don't go to the school. I was confused at first I don't understand why I was not to go to the school. Plus who was the person that left the note anyways and how did they know that I was going to the school. Is it against the rules of a task giver to have any other contact other than the site itself and even if they did break the rules they should have known that I was in this specific hotel but I don't think much anyways and nothing was taking me away from that £2000000.

That servant though was very muscular though. I wish I had a body like his but the creators of this universe decided to give me a puny thin and average body. Even though I don't look muscular though I am extremely strong and that's my main skill. In order to even think of becoming a pro assassin you have to at least have a skill in something which is useful. It's an unspoken rule.

I decided to leave the servant a gift for being so nice to me so I did what any assassin does best and killed all the other workers that I knew that he didn't like. I left the fantastic hotel leaving him a message in the same box giving him all of the details to everybody's credit cards that I had killed. Now he was rich and doesn't have to deal with the people that he hates. It's a win win situation.

I hope he enjoyed it.

After I left I went straight to the school. Flowers high.

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