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So far it's been a week since I've been in this room. In that time nothing has happened. Weeks till the place even further and found some other parts of this school. In the cafeteria there was a separate room. I'm assuming this is where the dinner men and the dinner ladies create all the food for the students. It's always filled with goodies and refills every hour. It sort of just appears no one really knows why or even how. Then again, this entire situation is just mind-boggling.

As for all the 39 assassins, we're starting to get along with each other. I'm starting to remember some of their names now.

I have a friend in this place too. His name is Voidie. He's also a pro assassin just like me. He only accepts tasks where he believes that the person that he is supposed to kill actually deserves death. That's the fun part about being an assassin and knowing other assassins. Everyone has a different motive. For me it's just money. What can I say I like being paid.

We haven't heard from Queen in ages. It's really weird. That was until right now.

"Hello everybody it's me again I'm sure you all missed me" she inquired

Nobody missed her.

"The next game will now be commencing in around 20 minutes so be prepared you'll be allowed to bring whatever you want."

A good rule about being a processing is to always carry your tools around you. And always bring as many of your preferred weapons so that you always have a spare in case your enemy tries to take it from you.

I ran upstairs to my room to see if there was any other tools that I could bring. Queen never specified what the challenge would be. We don't even know if it will be a challenge where we have to fight. So I figured it would be best to bring some other tools just in case we are meant to attack anything in this challenge.

I heard a scream and a big one at that.

It was back in the cafeteria. Some people decided to stay was I was going to my room and apparently if I had broken out between two other assassins. I ran down the stairs to get in on the action. When I finally got down most of the assassins were already there. They were also circling two other assassins who are attacking with every weapon that they had on them. They both had scars on the fight and my both pretty damaged. There was blood everywhere.

I asked the person closest to me who they actually were and the guy responded that they knew each other before this entire situation happened would go on competitions to try and kill the most people and now they are trying to kill each other because if one dies the other one automatically wins in their little dispute about who is the better assassin out the two.

There was something on setting about this assassin that was speaking to me. He seemed really calm about the games. Some assassin's tried to speak in a monotone or collected voice to hide their fears but I could tell that this guy was genuine. He didn't care at all. Never mind the fight who was this guy. When you are a pro assassin you're usually known by every other assassin and task setter but I have never heard of this guy ever and none of the other pro assassins seemed to know of him too.

But before I could process anything Queen showed up again.

"Time for the games to commences... I mean commence" she shouted.

She disappeared and we teleported. I didn't know how we teleported. We were just regular people in the end how did we do something that was supernatural. Perhaps Queen knocked us how and we just woke up. I didn't want to think about it. I was getting a headache.

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