It was all a lie

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After about 10 minutes of walking I finally made it to the school. The school where I was about to kill a bunch of students the same age as me and earn that's sweet 2 million.

Now I was never one of these assassins that you see in regular movies where they're really stealthy. I kind of just charge in with a knife, stab everyone and clear up before the police come should I was no surprised when I heard shouting from a teacher who thought that I was another student in their school saying something like "your not allowed knives". I laughed before proceeding to chop off all of her toenails one by one until she finally caved in and decided to pick the option of becoming my slave. I told her to pick up her toenails that I had cut off and make a nice beautiful art piece out of them. I heard her cry and so I casually chopped off her tongue. I don't know why but it's really satisfying when you chop off somebody's tongue. I told her that she was free to use the tongue as well to help her in her art piece. I then found out that she was actually in art teacher so I chopped of her dominant hand. All artists are ambidextrous so she should be fine. I think....

When I got into the school. The door shut behind me and locked. I panicked and gasped for air. What was going to happen to me. I was in a cafeteria and there were around 40 other students but I could tell that they were also assassins. They were all carrying weapons of their choice. Some with guns, others with knives and a few with weird weapons or no weapons. Every good assassin had their favourite weapon and usually has a weapon which they can not use as they are awful with (yes even the pro assassins which includes me). I cannot aim a gun to save my Life.

Before I could say anything or even communicate to the other assassins a loud voice was heard. It was the same teacher that I had previously dismantled and forced to do art. She was on top over balcony inside of the school so she was out of my range and it seems like she was out of everybody else is range as well. The winners pub was that she was completely fine. It was as if we never even met.

"Welcome to the games this will be where you are staying for the remainder of your time. My name is Queen. In this game you will be participating in many challenges to see who is the best assassin. If you win a challenge you get to survive. If you don't you will be eliminated just like how you eliminate other people for your tasks. There will be 3 survivors at the end and they will each get 2 million pounds. Good luck to you all and may the best assassin murder the others. And please visit the library. There you may see the rules." She exclaimed.

A tall woman in wedding dress shouted "that's not fair" followed by a mass of curse words.

The same person ran to the library to see if there was a way to escape. We followed. We went up the stairs as to the top floor, went through what seem like a maze of corridors upon corridors and finally caught up to her just as she was about to step in. She opened the door and then triggered an alarm. She had stepped on a disc which activated something. We then heard drip drip. She had been impaled by a dozen spikes and we were hearing the blood from the stab wound falling on to the clear floor which was once so clean.

We fell into silence. Until Queen came back. She said with a tad bit too much excitement. "The first games are over Sandy has been eliminated"

Queen then started to cry over the fact that Sandy was like a sister to her even though they had only met in the hour that we have been here

Queen then states that she was very good with bombs and had the skill of strength but failed this challenge due to her inability to look closely. "She was not the best assassin" she then states in a monotone voice. It's unnerving how she can just change her voice like that.

"She also lost due to her inability to realise the most important rule of all as an assassin, there are no rules!!!!!" She shouted

Queen suddenly changed her emotion again and started talking about how she absolutely hated Sandy to the point where she is happy for her death.

I'm so confused.

Queen then disappeared.

We then started travelling round the school to see what else was there. Each classroom had a couple of chairs and tables and an electric board connected to the internet. Even so only certain apps were actually allowed. It was only the apps so we could communicate with the outside world. There was also an extra app called assassins board. When we clicked on it, it said starting number 40, current number 39. We also assumed that was the number of assassins that was still alive. It's dropped to 39 seeing as Sandy is dead or eliminated anyways.

All 39 of us decided to make a decision. We would each take a classroom for ourselves and would use that as our bedroom. Queen heard our ideas and came shortly after to give us keys so we could lock our own doors. We also decided that the cafeteria would be a meeting place for all of us. We also found out that all of us were given the same task even though that was impossible as once someone accepts a task it would be locked for everyone else.

"The games have officially begun. Great" I murmured sarcastically.

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