Arrogance kills the family

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We were now in what appeared to be a garden or perhaps a field. It was filled with flowers of different colours. I guess that's why it's called Flowers high.

That being I said though I couldn't actually see the school anywhere. It was as if it was never there to begin with. As if it was just a figment of my imagination.

Queen then explained the rules. Everyone would get a curse and would get a challenge specific to them which utilises their curse to make it harder for them. In this case the curse will be your biggest fear

Another person that I knew called Ryong Jum shouted "I am champion of this entire world there is no curse that will ever scare me."

"Ok then you can go first" Queen said
"Wait what" Ryong Jum shouted

And with that he was gone and a TV replaced him. On the TV it showed him. He was also in a field practically identical to ours. The only difference was it was night-time where he was but daytime where we were. Suddenly a girl came she seamed about half his age and seemed to know him.

"Hiiiii I mwised you" she cheered
Ryong Jum burst into tears "is it really you sis... How is this possible I saw you die."
"Ohhh who cares about that I'm here now so I must be alive wighttt" she cheered again

"I will now announce the goal of this challenge. Failure to complete the challenge will result in elimination. You have a very simple task simply kill Do Kyung-Mi." Announced Queen

"No no it can't be It can't be... That cannot be the task surely the task is something more humane right like murder someone that tried to murder your family. You said try to murder my cousin right. Psycho dissolves the worst pain and yet he's done the best in our family. Please change the task right now. I don't want to lose her now that I have her" cried Ryong Jum

"You have 30 minutes to complete the task." Said a voice from somewhere

"Let's play a ga..." Cheered Do Kyung-Mi.


Do Kyung-Mi slowly but surely started crying at what he said. "I thought you would have been happy to see me. Maybe I was useless all this time. Maybe I should've stayed dead...That's the reason why you've got a gun in your hand"

Ryong Jum didn't even realise that he was holding a gun. This game wanted to make it as easy as possible for Ryong Jum 2 kill Do Kyung-Mi. Not only was Ryong Jum's preferred weapon the exact gun that he was holding but also guns are easy to use. You pull the trigger and bang the person that you're aiming at is dead. Considering her size she would be dead in one hit and the challenge would be over.

But of course Ryong Jum don't want to kill her. He had always felt partially responsible for her death as he had survived the car crash caused by his uncle and she didn't. I was also told I was watching that his father also died and got framed by the uncle for the crash. Ryong Jum was the only one that knew the truth but still he felt responsible still. Essentially he suffers from Maladaptive guilt.

For about 5 minutes both of them just stood there looking at each other both with tears in their eyes.
"Ghh ghh"
Those where the only sounds that came out of Ryong Jum's mouth.

He proceeded to say this for about 20-minutes. Nothing was really happening other than that. Some of the other assassin's cried whilst watching this. The rest watched in silence.

"5-minutes remaining"said the Voice
"3-minutes remaining"said the Voice
"1-minute remaining"said the Voice
"10 seconds remaining"said the Voice


It was done. He finally had gained the courage to actually shoot and pull the trigger on his younger sister. We could see black ooze is coming out. His sister was never actually alive. It was just a robot made to act like her.

Queen appeared.

"Well done you finally shot the simulation. Of course your sister was never actually alive but I'm sure you knew that deep down in your heart. I was worried for a second. I thought I would actually have to kill you over you killing a piece of metal and oil." Cheered Queen

"Go to hell." Replied Ryong Jum still holding the gun in his hand. He tried to shoot Queen but then realised that there were no bullets left. Queen had put only one bullet in because she knew that Ryong Jum wouldn't miss and if he did it would have been on purpose.

"" muttered Ryong Jum before passing out due to the intense situation that has just happened.

We all watched in despair not for the fact that we would have to go through a situation similar to him, but for him himself.

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