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When we got out the medical room. The other assassins proceeded to tell us that we had lost a lot of the assassins in that challenge. Our number has gone down to 24.

Most people had apparently died whilst trying to complete the challenge. Only a couple died from being killed after failing the challenge. I didn't even realise that was possible so in short I was lucky to have survived.

Voidie had gone to his own room and I decided it would probably best if I did the same so I went upstairs and went into my room. Of course it's still looked like a classroom but I didn't care.

I zoned out on the teachers chair and went to sleep. I must say it was nothing like the bed in the hotel with the nice guy but it was the best I would probably get.

I remember when I was a student I used to think that the teachers chair what's the comfiest type of chair ever. I sound really old now don't I. It was just so different from the regular chairs. I feel like this chair probably got too much glory now that I was sitting on it. It was still better than the student chairs though I will give it that. Any teachers listening to the story should take note.

It didn't help that I could still feel my stomach churning back from the fight with computer.

I woke up and despite the chair, I felt good. I felt strangely enough like I could fight anything. It was a beautiful feeling which I felt like I haven't had since my time in this school.

I sprinted out of my room. The air brushed my face as I ran faster than Usain Bolt himself. I eventually made it to the cafeteria.

"Hehe You're a good mood today aren't you" said Voidie

"Yeah you seem really good what are you got a girlfriend or something" asked Ryong jum

"Nah I just feel good for no reason" I replied

It took them long to actually realise that I was being serious and not being sarcastic.

Queen appeared as usual this time with another challenge. "You know what I'm feeling in a very bad mood today day because of the poor tragic people that had died during the last challenge who didn't even get to experience this challenge." She sobbed

"Well who cares about that no need to dwell on the past let's get on with this challenge now shall we." She exclaimed in the happiest voice ever as if she wasn't just crying.

She teleported us again, this time to what seemed like a new galaxy. We were all flying around in space.

"For this challenge simply you must get out of space. Taa taa"
Queen left and gave us nothing more

We had only just realised that this point that we were somehow able to breathe normally even though we were in space but how are we going to get out. We didn't even know where earth was and at this point even if we did we have no clue how to actually move in a direction we wanted to.

An hour went by
2 hours went by
A day went by
A week went by

I don't understand anything anymore. Everyone was hungry and thirsty but somehow no one died or got severely damaged mentally or physically by the hunger. What was going on. I'm forgetting my own name. Oh wait I didn't have one anyways.

We had lost hope. We had failed the challenge and now we were left here to rot.

Just then a knife appeared out of nowhere. It was in everyone's reach.

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