The last words of a dear friend.

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"I bet you never expected it to me. I am the mastermind of this entire challenge. I was the one controlling Queen. And you all thought that I was useless. Shame on you really shame on you. I'm clearly the best assassin here. Hear my name Sandy" shouted Sandy

She was still wearing her wedding dress but it seemed fixed as if we didn't just see it being impaled with her. "So I shall give you my final task and if you manage to complete this task I will give away the title of ultimate assassin to you. The goal is very simple... Kill me. There can only be one ultimate assassin but there can be multiple survivors that get to leave. The ultimate assassin will be the person that delivers the final blow to me. The ultimate assassin will be the only person to receive the sweet £2 billion. The other survivors will get to leave but with nothing."

We got teleported back into the field. She gave us all the button.

"Press the button and you'll be teleported back in the school for 2 minutes where you can grab weapons food etc. The best part of this challenge is that I will be paying all defence. I promise I will not try to attack back. And any damage done to you will be due to my self defence."

I felt and an array of emotions at this point. I felt anger at her for forcing us to play this stupid game. I also felt betrayed as I did not realise it would be her. I thought Queen was an own separate entity. I never even considered the fact that one of the other assassins could have been the mastermind. But I also felt some happy emotions. I never really had friends at my old school as they either feared me because they knew I was an assassin or bullied me. Even though I never felt it. I guess I was lonely... until now and I wasn't prepared to let anyone else go. Even if that meant murdering for an actual purpose.

"Now then let the final games commence." Said a voice

Ryong Jum charged towards her still in rage from the task where he had to kill his little sister. "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" He cried. He got a gun from his pocket and started shooting whilst running but time he was so fast that she avoided all of the bullets. It was a sight to see. It was almost as if she was in the matrix. I had never seen anything like it. I don't even know how she moved in that wedding dress. It looked so tight and uncomfortable that if I was trying it I wouldn't be able to move at all. I'd be stale. But enough about me what about the fight.

Sandy ran or I should say teleported towards Ryong Jum and strangled him. By the end of it he was breathless. He fell onto the floor. "Do you know what scrap being nice" Sandy cheered. She got a bomb from I don't know where and shoved it inside of Ryong Jum's mouth. She pressed a button and Ryong Jum immediately exploded into a million pieces. I froze instantly. I started crying and I didn't know why. I tried to make my mind think that I shouldn't be feeling these emotions. I had just met him for around a couple of days. He wasn't that important to me right? But I knew in the end that upon my soul died when I saw him die.

"Sooo anyone else wanna try me" she laughed.

"You have pulled on my nerves by messing with my friend. So I will take you on. 1 v 1. If I lose then you have the permission to kill us all."

I said that last part accidentally and expected that everybody would be booing me because I put down their lives for a fight which I could very well lose considering what happened to Ryong Jum but when I turned around I saw people clapping at what I had just said as if I was some sort of motivational speaker.

"This will be interesting, I like it" said Sandy but this time sounding like Queen. "Let's do it"

She said that with the most devilish smile I had ever seen in my entire life. With that we both teleported to our final arena.

Assassins TaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang