chapter 3.1

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A   B U S I N E S S   L O V E

After the meeting, Jessie and Mariana went to the cafeteria to buy some snacks.

"What did you think of the meeting?" asked Mariana.

"Very interesting! I have so many things I want to discuss with Massimo, so many questions and ideas. I just loved being exposed to this. I want more of this. My brain was in paradise," excitedly responded Jessie.

"I can see that with all the notes you were taking!"

"I know," said Jessie suddenly embarrassed by her zeal. She knew she was just an analyst, but she had so much more to offer and was eager to do so.

Mariana looked at her with a sneaky smile and said, "So! What did you think about the handsome Julian?"

"Oh! Don't even start!" blurted Jessie, despite herself.

"Whoa! What's the matter?" asked Mariana surprised at Jessie's spontaneous answer. She turned her eyes to Jessie and immediately saw her shy and blushing face. "Ohhhh, I see! You got the 'Julian effect'!" she laughed.

"No, listen. It's not funny at all. This is bad. I have a boyfriend," said Jessie truly embarrassed and traumatized.

"Oh, come on. It's just a crush. It's not like you're cheating," said Mariana trying to reassure her as Jessie was clearly distressed.

"Well, it feels like it. It definitely feels like I'm mentally cheating."

Mariana rolled her eyes and said, "Ok. Who's your favorite male singer?"

Jessie looked at her confused, not understanding what was the point with the conversation they were currently having. "Hmmm...Jon Bon Jovi, I guess."

Mariana raised her eyebrows. "Really!? I was not expecting that answer. But fine. If you were to meet Jon Bon Jovi, wouldn't you react the same way, even worse? Would you call that cheating?"

"He's way too old for me. I would never feel that way towards him."

Mariana sighed. "Can't you pick someone younger!? You're ruining my illustration!"

"Hmm..." said Jessie pensive. "Ok, got it! Harry Styles!"

"Ah, now you're talking! Let's say you'd meet Harry. Wouldn't you faint? And would you consider that cheating or just an innocent celebrity crush?"

"Precisely not! If I was to meet Harry, I would have probably bargained a backstage VIP ticket to one of his concerts! I would have not fainted."

"You're lying right now."

"I swear, Mariana, look at me. I'm a social butterfly, I'm an opportunist. I'm a pro at networking. Yet, I met Julian two months ago and I completely froze in front of him. And he's not even a celebrity! And today, I was on the verge of passing out when I locked eyes with him. I know that women like him in general, but what I'm feeling is legit infatuation. Do you feel that way about him? Would you be able to have a normal conversation with him?"

"I've actually had a conversation with him once, yeah."

"See! That's my point! I can't even do that."

Mariana shrugged. "That's because of the guilt you're feeling for being attracted to him."

Jessie raised her eyes to the ceiling. "He intimidates me. He consumes all of my thoughts when he's around. I stop functioning," Jessie leaned over to Mariana and whispered, "I didn't even feel that way when I first met Michael. This is completely exaggerated and...bad!"

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