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I've been with the Metkayina Clan for all of three days. Everything is so beautiful, I can't help, but be amazed by everything.
The weather was so nice, so I was sitting in the sand enjoying the small waves, and the soft sand while looking for cool shells.
As I was looking in the water, Aonung and his friends walked over laughing.

"What are you doing?" He asks
"Just looking for some shells..." I reply
I stuck my head in the water bc there was something moving in the sand.
"Are you some kind of- freak?" He asks
"What?" I ask shocked
"He asked if you're a freak." Some kid says
I get up and attempt to walk away, but they all surround me, telling me how weird I am, with my extra fingers and my 'demon blood'.
I try to push past them, "leave me alone!" I yell
Next thing I know Neteyam comes running up and shoves Aonung back.
"You heard her. Leave her alone." He says staring him down. Aonung raises his hands up in surrender. When we go to walk away, you could hear them still talking about how much of a freak I was. When Lo'ak heard it, you could see he was visibly angry.
"You know what, you're right. We are freaks I mean look, I have these extra fingers. What's really cool though is if you ball them up really tight.." he punches Aonung sending flying into the sand. "It's called a punch bitch." He spits

It becomes an all out war, Lo'ak's pulling Aonung's ear, the others are pulling Lo'ak by his tail.. Neteyam had to jump in to help, taking a few hits himself. It was rather funny until the chief happened to pass by and see what was happening... and boy was he mad!

Neteyam, Lo'ak, Tuk, and I were all in our pod when Dad came in.
"One thing! I only asked one thing and that was for you to be on your best behavior! What the hell happened?" He whisper yells
"They were making fun of y/n and saying how she was a freak bc of her 'demon blood'. They wouldn't leave her alone. So I told them to back off... they didn't. Lo'ak did throw the first punch.. but they deserved it."
Dad sighs and rubs his hands over his face.
"Okay. Lo'ak go apologize, I don't care how you do it, just apologize." He says
"But Dad!-"
"No! That is the chiefs son! Go make peace." He says sternly
He looks over at Neteyam, "How did the other guys look?" He asks
"Worse. Much worse.." he laughs
"Good." Dad says and dismisses him
Later that night, I was sitting outside our pod, dangling my feet in the water, when Aonung came and sat next to me.
I didn't look at him or acknowledge him, I'm still mad.
He puts his feet in the water too and we sit in silence for a moment.
"I'm sorry"
"For what?" I ask
"For calling you a freak.. and for fighting your brothers.."
"Why did you?" I whisper
He rubs his hand on the back of his neck,
"honestly, I don't really know. I think something in me is slightly irritated that you guys are here. Not that you're bad people, it's just- you guys are all everyone is talking about and it's kind of annoying. I want my mom and dad to ask me how I'm doing at the end of the day rather than 'how's the Sully family doing?' 'Did you show them this and that' and so on. I get it, but I wish things were normal again. Sorry that was a lot.." he shakes his head
I place my hand on top of his arm. "It's okay, I get it. I'm sorry you hold the burden of having to teach us your way, I wish more than anything I could have stayed in the forest. This place is... beautiful but I'm forced to be here, learning from someone who doesn't want to teach." I say
"Maybe we can.. start over?" He says
"I would like that. I appreciate you apologizing."
"Yeah, I figured I should come over, especially since Lo'ak apologized is his own way." He laughs
With that, we go our separate ways, starting fresh. <3

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