Monkey Boy

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Since you were a little girl, Spider has been your best friend. Loved to run through the woods with you, pull your tail, and track the creatures lurking in the night.
Spider was stuck here on Pandora since babies are not able to be put into cryo.
Spider's one of us, always striving to keep up, he eats, sleeps, and hunts the way we do... Mom still sees him as this 'alien' and wishes he would just go back to the sky people.
Lastnight before we went to sleep Spider said he wanted to show me something that he found. I wake up and go to find him!
We skip breakfast and race through the woods, I run a little slower since he's supposed to lead the way. It feels as if we've been running and climbing for so long.
We're in the hallelujah mountains, I've been up here before, but he takes me to this spot that's a bit higher than I've been before other than on my Ikran. It was honestly kind of scary.
Once we got to the top he grabbed my hand, looking at me. "Isn't it beautiful!" He says
I look out and you can see the Hallelujah Mountains moving and the Ikrans relaxing, playing amongst themselves. The sky was so clear... even though I've lived here for so long, it was... breathtaking!
"Spider... I don't know what to say. It's unbelievable!"
"Just like you." He says
I look at him in surprise, I figured he felt that way based on the way he acts around me.. I just never thought he would actually say something.
"Spider..." I look at him with sad eyes, "thank you." We both know it couldn't work out since he's human, we can only hope.
"I know, I'm human.. but y/n I see you and I do really hope one day, nothing stands between us." He says squeezing my hand.
I squeeze his hand back, "Maybe one day, but for now I don't want to get our hopes up. I don't want to fall in love with you and not be able to be with you.. it's not fair to either of us."
He takes a deep breath, looking at the view in front of us.
"I know... you're right. For now I'm going to love you anyway." He says and kisses my hand.
Even though he's human, he's still beautiful, and funny, and brave. I admire that he tries to fit in even though he isn't like us. The Na'vi like to point out that he is an 'alien' but he doesn't care. That's why I love Spider.

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