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Today is a warm rainy day for the Omatikaya Clan. My parents know I love to explore the forest when it rains. Something about the smell, and the way the grass and mud feels on my feet.
As soon as I felt it begin to sprinkle, I took off towards the forest. I laid on this giant leaf looking up at the sky, listening to the calming noise of the rain, watching the clouds and occasionally an Ikran would fly over head. I love where we live.
After some rest, it began to rain harder so I began to climb higher in the tree's to attempt to get a better view over-looking the forest and the rain.
The view was B E A U T I F U L.
Breathtaking even.
I stayed there for some time, until the sun was beginning to go away.
I slowly descended back into the forest. Everything was slowly starting to come to life in bright beautiful shades of green, blue, pink, yellow, etc.
I picked up my pace a bit, because I knew my father would be mad about the fact, I was gone so long. As I was running through the trees, I felt my foot slip and the next thing I know, I was hanging over the side of a tree. I look down to see my feet dangling, and the a very, very far drop. My eyes then look to this blue veiny hand, that's gripping mine, keeping me from falling to my death. I should be dead. I look into my saviors eyes and they're a beautiful gold. His bright white freckles covering his face, made him all the more attractive.
"Come on, I got you." He says pulling me up
My heart is racing in my chest, it feels as though I might have a heart attack. The adrenaline pumping through my body is out of control.
He pulls me up, but it isn't until my feet are flat on the grassy trees and he's holding me up to 'make sure I'm alright' that I begin to relax.
I sit down in an attempt to slow my heart. He sits in front of me.
"Are you alright?" He asks again
"Yeah" I breathe deeply, "I just- I thought that was it. I should be dead.." I explain
"Thank you, I don't know how you did it, but thank you!!"
"Of course, I'm really glad I was here. You're too young and beautiful to be dead." He says
I'm utterly shocked by his honesty.
He fidgets with his hands momentarily, as I sit there shocked at the words leaving his mouth.
"Thank you... I'll always remember this as the day you saved my life." I say smiling.
As my heart returns to its normal pace, I begin to realize how beautiful the boy in front of me is; the way his braided hair sits around his face, and the freckles that begin to glow. His arms are strong, you can see the veins covering his hands and going up his forearms. They way his lips curve when he smiles... he's beautiful!
We stand up together and he faces me
"My name is Neteyam, and you are?"
"Y/n" I respond
"Y/n, I like that. Can I walk you home y/n?" He asks
I feel butterflies in my stomach
I could listen to him say my name all night
"Yeah, I would love that."
He gently grabs my hand intertwining our fingers and gives it a small squeeze as we walk back home.
The rain has slowed down to a mist, you can hear all the insects and animals in the forest. Everything is a beautiful fluorescent color, I never get used to the beauty living here.
As we approach back home, he walks me to my space amongst the clan.
"I'm going for a run through the forest tomorrow morning if you would like to join me, there will be no slipping this time though." He laughs
"I would love to join you!" I smile
"Great! Have goodnight y/n!" He says kissing my hand, leaving me standing here... wanting more.

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