I will rescue you

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Recently I've discovered that mixing certain plants and herbs, makes this remedy that is soothing. I've been testing it with different types of plants to see which would heal quicker and which ones are least painful in open wounds.
The only downfall is having to walk far from home base to retrieve them.
Jake never liked when I left to retrieve plants and herbs especially when I went on my own.
Jake's leading the war party tomorrow, so I am walking to find a specific flower I need. I figured I would make plenty of this remedy, assuming we'll need as much as we can get for tomorrow.
As I am passing the old shack, I see a Avatar that looks lost. I keep my distance, watching him.
He has a gun...
He isn't leaving. It appears as if he's talking to someone through an ear piece, so I quietly keep going. I have things to do and one sky person with a gun isn't going to stop me.
I didn't have much further to go anyways.
I grabbed a couple plants and some other interesting things I found and headed back towards home.
As I got closer to the shack again, I could hear several voices. There was really no other way to go to get home, so I quietly crouch past them.
I look back in the distance to see I've passed them without them hearing me. I walk normally taking a deep breath when a Avatar pops out of the trees.
I gasp throwing my hands up in surrender.
He pulls my hands behind my back, tying them together and we walk back towards the shack.
You've got to be kidding, Jakes gonna kill me... if they don't.

"Who is this?" A man asks

"Not sure colonel, she was walking in the woods." My captor says

"Do you know who and where Jake Sully is?" Colonel asks me

I just look at the ground, "no I don't know this 'Jake Sully' is you speak of."

"Well. I think that you do, and you're gonna tell me where he is.. other wise I'm just gonna kill you. I have no use for you otherwise and don't need you returning and telling everyone we're here.
Things will go much smoother if you just tell us where he is... We aren't here to kill anyone else, just Sully." He says irritated with me

- Jakes POV -
Something doesn't feel right.
I go around looking for y/n. When I can't find her, I ask the others if they've seen her, everyone says no.
My heart is pounding in my chest, I feel sick. I hate when she just goes off on her own. Especially now that more sky people have returned, that's the whole point of the attack tomorrow and she's off in the woods on her own.
"Neteyam! Come with me! I need you!" I yell
"What is it Dad?" He asks
"It's y/n... she's in the forest again." I respond
We both call to our Ikrans and fly around looking for her.

"Do you happen to know where she goes for her plants and such?" I ask
"Maybe, but you always tell us not to go there.." Teyam says
"Where!?" I yell
"Just past the old shack." He says anxiously
"I'm gonna kill her." I whisper
We land our Ikrans and head into the forest. Neteyam has his bow and I have my gun.
As we're walking towards the shack, we hear a lot of commotion. We both hide behind the trees attempting to blend in. As we get closer I see her. Y/n. They have her tied up and on the ground.
I feel my heart pick up it's pace, beating rapidly in anger. Neteyam can tell I'm upset.
"Dad.. it's okay, we'll get her back!" He whispers
"DON'T- DON'T TOUCH ME!" we hear y/n scream
Neteyam draws his bow and moves around the tree, I watch as he perfectly hits the Avatar holding y/n, right in the head. I shoot at the others hitting two.
Quaritch manages to escape on a bogey with a wounded Avatar.
Neteyam runs to y/n, she's laying there tied up on the ground.
"I'm sorry" she sobs as Teyam cuts her free.
Neteyam comforts her, "it's going to be alright. We're going back home now."
I can't help, but feel this anger in my chest.
Angry that the colonel had y/n under his knife
I'm angry that y/n left yet again without telling anyone especially me.
I'm angry, because now she's hurt and as much as I want to be angry at y/n, I can't be.
I can't stand to see y/n cry.
I never want to hear y/n cry in pain again.
Y/n is too important to our family.

She sits up, rubbing her wrists and ankles. "Jake.." she cries "please.. don't be mad. I thought I could be quick. So quick that you wouldn't even notice I was gone. I was so close, I nearly did it." Y/n says with her head hung low and tears streaming down her cheeks.

I place my hand under her chin, lifting it so that her eyes meet mine.
"I was scared today. I thought I lost you." I whisper. I back up and take a deep breath
"I would rather you tell me where you are going or at least let me come with you. This is the exact reason, I am so hard on you. They could have killed you. They could have taken you back to their people and who knows what they would do to you. Y/n you scared the hell out of me. I'm trying to protect you and you make it so damn hard...." I sigh
A few tears slip from my eyes, "I'm just glad you're okay." I grab her arm, pulling her up and she gets on my back. |piggy-back ride|
She lays her head on my shoulder as we walk back.
"Thank you for always saving me.. Neteyam too, but you've always been there and I can't begin to explain how much that means to me." She whispers in my ear

I give her thigh a little squeeze to acknowledge I hear her.
Shortly after that I can hear light snoring which makes my heart and soul smile. I'm just glad we got her back.

| Sam Worthington is definitely a comfort character. Everything about him; his voice, his body, just all of him gives this safety and comfort feeling inside. Is that just me lol |

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