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Two weeks had passed and Cynthia refrained from attending school. It would be her first time back today, Tuesday. Fiona helped her obtain the assignments she needed but most were online anyways.
It was still hard to process what had happen that Saturday, nightmares of her drowning messed up her sleep schedule. Cynthia began to develop of fear of big bodies of water. Even showering was quite difficult and she made sure to not stay in there for more than 6 minutes.

Her outfit consisted of an oversized hoodie, dark blue jeans and some sneakers. Today she wanted to conceal herself from the students. She prayed and wished the night before that they all forgot the events of the party and she'd return to school in peace without having to face them, especially Theodore.

It hurt her knowing it was him who was behind all of this. Cynthia continued to have a hard time accepting it. In the short time they were "friends" she has genuinely enjoyed their relationship all to find out it was a lie. She vowed to herself that she'd never tell anyone her business again. Cynthia has never been eager to graduate from high school and move out of Maryland up until now.

She walks to halls with her head down staring at her shoes. If there was one superpower she'd have, it would be invisibility. She could feel the students eyes burning into her soul as they whispered and giggled amongst themselves.

Feeling bile rise to her throat out of nervousness, she entered the individual stalls and decided to hide there until it was time for second period. It was too far into the first trimester to change her schedule and to avoid any further problems she didn't want to mention any reasons of bullying. Cynthia knew the school was majority white, with a majority white staff. Not to mention those bullying her were rich and had influence there was a very low chance of the bullying being taken seriously, if anything they'd just come after her 10 times worse for attempting to get them in trouble.

As time went by Cynthia covered her ears as she heard the broken faucet drip water onto the sink, reminding her of what happened again, and again, and again.


"Well we'll well ladies, look who it is" a familiar voice caught Cynthia's ears. She was eating lunch alone in the library, it was her safe haven most during this time.

Her heart started pounding realizing the voice belonged to Courtney. She remained silent and close her eyes shut hoping whatever they were about to do or say would all be over soon.

"What are you doing? Trying to make us go away with Telekinesis?" Courtney jokes.

"Girls I told you, she's weird as shit, who sits alone in the library to eat by themselves?" She says

"I agree Courtney she's always been odd, I mean she is from the jungle after all" one of her minions state. The first laughed in sync, Cynthia's stomached continued to drop.

"Aww girls I think she's sad, maybe we should cheer her up"

With that Courtney grabbed the carton of milk and dumped it on Cynthia's head. Cynthia let the cold liquid drip down her body, not being able to move or say anything. She was then met with the pear slices being thrown in her face. The last thing she felt was a piece of gum being tangled into her hair before Courtney and her goons left hollering like hyenas.

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