Second Parallel: Yesterday

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"I have late night conversations with the moon, he tells me about the sun and I tell him about you."
~ S.L. Gray

Irene's POV:

Standing at the balcony of this resort in Zambales, overlooking the beach and Mt. Cinco, while everyone around me is either minding their own business or part of the team that will handle my wedding that's three days from now, I cannot help but remember the time when I almost ended my life three years ago over someone who not only broke my heart but also crushed my soul.

I was an exchange student. Opportunity came when I was on my senior year at the College of Music in UP Diliman. At that point, I felt like the world is finally rewarding all of my hardships. Imagine getting yourself into the Royal Academy of Music! Their acceptance rate is at 10% making the institution difficult to get into. It is the Britain's oldest music conservatoire with alumni including Sir Elton John and Annie Lennox! And I get to study for free! I didn't really think much of it when I tried applying for their scholarship but as fate would have it, looking back? That might've been the best or the worst four years of my life.

I came from a family of conservatives and traditionalists. My parents found it so hard to let me go on my own. I've always been well guarded by them all my life, except maybe that time that I got my heart broken.

Three years ago.
I almost got married three years ago.
I almost come home bringing my could've been husband with me.
I almost made it to my fairytale.

With our marriage visitor visa and the marriage license inside the folder that I was holding, I waited for him to make it. Wearing my white dress with the coat that we bought in the thrift store just outside London, I waited for him to show up.

I waited until the last person inside the Hackney Town Hall left. I waited until the wedding hall became deserted.

Did you know about the story of the Kauai'o'o bird?The last of their kind. They were once native to an island in Hawaii. Several factors lead to their extinction. They were last sighted as a flock on 1985 with the last recorded video in 1987 of what was believed to be the very last survivor, singing his hearts out, hoping for any of his flock to hear him.

And just like the last song of the last male Kauai'o bird for a female that would never come, I waited for the love that could never pick me. I waited for the last train ride, the last phone call, the last song to be played on our favorite pub. And no matter how many lasts I watched flash before my eyes, he never came back. He just left. He went extinct just like those birds. Without warning, without notice, he just disappear. He left me without even saying goodbye.

What used to be a life filled with joy and music, mine went silent three years ago. Even if music stayed with me even after he left me, it was never the same. The melody changed, the harmony and the rhythm never played the same way again.

It lost its soul. It lost its home.

 It lost its home

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