You are so Magnetic

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The library in Eunkyung's town was an old refurbished house. It was the first house built in the town a hundred years ago when it was founded and was a historical marker. The city had bought it after the last in the family line passed away and turned it into the city's library to preserve it's history. Each room was a different section and had a table in it to sit at while you read. The fantasy section was originally the first bedroom at the top of the stairs.

Eunkyung lived in the woods surrounding the small, isolated town so she had to drive there. Normally, she walked everywhere she went but it would take 40 minutes to get there and she's have to walk back home in the dark. It just wasn't worth it. She had an old truck that she had bought second hand. The milage was bad enough that every time she used it, she could hear her wallet crying but she drove so rarely that it didn't really matter at the end of the day.

She hopped into her truck and when she turned the key in the ignition it roared to life. The drive only took 10 or so minutes. When Eunkyung parked in front of the library she suddenly froze as she realized what she was doing. 

It had been five years since the last time she had done anything other than get groceries in town let alone meet up with a classmate. Nerves washed over her. How did you interact with people again? What was she suppose to say when she saw him? What if she forgot some social nuance during her period of mourning? What if she offended him and she'd have to spend the rest of the unit working with someone who hated her? What if everything went well? What did she say to him when she wanted to go home?

Eunkyung mechanically turned off the ignition and locked the truck behind her. She forced herself to walked toward the library, even if part of her was screaming to turn back, to face this beast another day.

How sad was it that meeting a classmate was enough to make her heart race and her palms sweat with fear?

But she still opened the front door to the old house. Eunkyung glanced around the foyer. Jungkook wasn't there but she hadn't been expecting that. He had told her that he'd meet her upstairs in the fantasy section. At the foot of the stairs, she took a deep, stealing breath before slowly climbing up to the second floor.

The door that led to the fantasy section was propped open. Eunkyung stood to the side of the entryway. She leaned over and peeked into the room.

At first, she didn't see anyone. The room looked empty. The shelves were crammed full of old, worn out library books and the room smelt of musty pages.

Should she wait for him? Or would that be rude? What he suppose to be here first? Or is he on his way? Was he even going to show up? What if she got the date wrong? Maybe they were suppose to meet up tomorrow or later this week. Or what if he meant a different library? Did she go to the wrong library?

She pulled out her phone, her thoughts racing a mile a minute and looked at the message he had sent her.

Jungkook: Do you want to meet at the library downtown to work on our project?

Eunkyung: Perfect! I'm free all week so let me know when you want to meet up.

Jungkook: Can we work on some tonight? I have some other things I need to do later this week.

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