To Stand In His Way

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Wind swept through the graveyard and scattered leaves and raindrops. Eunkyung's hair blew around his face, covering it, and she made no room to push it out of her face. Mingled with the rain on her face was tears that she never let fall anywhere else.

"I-I miss you so much, Mom." She said through her sobs. "I feel so alone."

The stone bearing her mother's name in front of her remained unmoved.

The rain began to lighten. Eunkyung leave against the headstone, tilted her head toward the sky, and let the cleansing rain wash over her.

"Well..." She started. "It has been getting easier lately."

She could practically hear her mother warm laugh and asking, "So there's a boy, is there? Do tell."

Eunkyung let out a weak, breathy laugh. "It's not like that though. He's not even a friend really."

She looked off at cleared out field in from of her and watched the rain make it dance.

"His name is Yugyeom, he's one of the boys next door I've told you about. He's pretty nice. But I haven't really talked to any of them much. Yugyeom's the one I see the most of. He get the mail at the same time as me. He always invites me over to dinner with them on Friday but I've never agreed to over before now."

She sighed.

"It's weird. I've lived next to these boys for years and I only know one of them by name. After you- After you passed away, it's like I stopped. I-I just froze in place. The house looks the same. I still wear the same clothes, read the same books, listen to the same music, eat the same things. Everything is the same except you aren't here, Mom. Everyone else has moved on and grown up but I'm still stuck in the past when I had you."

Eunkyung chocked up and was quiet for a minute where she tried not to cry.

"B-But I can't keep living like this. It's not healthy. So, I need to try new things. That's why I'm going over next door this Friday. These guys have been trying to look after me for years and I was too stubborn and stuck in the past to accept. So, I'm going to try to be their friend.

"And I hope I'll be able to function again. You know. Like a normal proper person. I want to live again."


Yugyeom crouched low to the forest floor in his wolf form as he watched Eunkyung visit her mother. She was talking about something to her mother. He was far enough the he could hear her as a respect to her privacy but he was waiting for her to fall silent.

He wanted to comfort her. He had seen her do this for years, ever since her mothers death, entirely on her own. Every time it rains, she visit her mother and tell her how she's doing.

But he had never been able to approach her before. Yugyeom couldn't exactly force his way into such private moment and as a wolf he'd only scare her.

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