An Agreement

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Eunkyung and Yugyeom walked hand in hand to his house when it was time for lunch. When they entered the house, it took one second for Bambam to see their clasped hands before pure chaos broke out.

"OH MY GOD THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and there was audible sounds of the whole pack running rom every corner of the house to see.

It took a while for all of excited werewolves to calm down enough for Eunkyung and Yugyeom to even be able to get a word in. JB finally managed to get everyone to quiet down and they all looked at the pair expectantly.

"Eunkyung knows that we're mates-" The entire pack cheered. "-But we've decided to take things slow for now."

"But are you in a relationship?" Bambam badgered insistently.

Yugyeom looked at Eunkyung helplessly. The two had't defined what they were yet. This was such a recent development that they hadn't had a chance to feel things through or have a proper discussion about what they were looking for.

But looking at Yugyeom, who had quickly become one of her best friends, look so nervous but hopeful made Eunkyung sure what she needed to do. He had taken the first big step by confessing after all these years, it was her turn to take a big step to be at his side.

"We are." She piped up but then quickly covered her face with her hand, hoping to hid her flushed face.

As the rest of the pack cheered, Eunkyung glanced to the side and saw Yugyeom looking please with a light dusting of pink on his cheeks.

After the initially excitement, the pack calmed down and day went on normal, but not without the necessary teasing of Yugyeom and cooing when they held hands.

When the sun started to go down, Yugyeom offered to walk Eunkyung hold.

As they walked, they talked about all sorts of things.

"By the way, Eunkyung," He said at one point. "The full moon is tomorrow so don't come over."

"Oh," She looked surprised. "Okay."

"It's not like you're going to be in any danger," He said quickly. "We just spend the whole day preparing for the full moon so we won't be able to hang out very much."

"No, it's cool I understand. What do you guys do on the full moon?"

"We lock ourselves in our basement."

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows.

He nodded. "We need to be sure that we can't hurt anyone, so we just hid ourselves until it's over."

"That doesn't sound very fun, but I guess the full moon isn't fun to begin with." She gave his hand a squeeze. "Can I come over and make breakfast for you in the morning? I doubt you'll have energy to cook after going through all that."

Yugyeom moaned. "That sounds amazing, we normally just have ramen after the full moon."

Eunkyung laughed. "Alright, I'll be sure to make a lot of food. What time should I come over?"

"Eleven. We'll probably leave the basement around 12 (we can't sleep during the night so we always pass out in the morning) so you'll have plenty of time to get the food ready."

When they came to a stop in front of Eunkyung's house, they looked at each other for a moment, both unsure how to part now that they were together. Just saying good night didn't feel intimate enough. Stealing some courage, Eunkyung leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

"Good night, Yugyeom. See you later?" She asked timidly.

Yugyeom smiled and made a small noise. He was shy looking from the ground to her but Eunkyung knew it was just because he too was feeling bashful. Yugyeom watched her walk to her porch to make sure she got inside alright. After she gave him on last wave before disappearing into his house, he went back home.

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