Welcome Home

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The forest was once more a blur around Eunkyung as the Minji drove her home. But even as they entered the part of the forest that Eunkyung knew well, everything seemed so different.

A witch was driving the car she was in and she could talk to the trees. There were werewolves in her forest and she had saved the life of one. There was a whole world that ran parallel to her own that Eunkyung had never known about. The forest would never look the same to her again.

The car rumbled to a stop in front of the Yugyeom's house.

"Where do we go from here?" Minji asked her.

"I'll walk from here." Eunkyung said as she unbuckled herself. "I live next door."

"You sure? I don't mind driving a bit more."

Eunkyung smiled and shook her head. "I'll be fine. I think some fresh air would do me some good anyways."

After saying their good byes, Eunkyung began to walk down the path between her and the boy's house. She paused when she reached the point where she could see their house's front porch.

Jungkook hadn't given her a chance to tell the boys where she was going. Were they worried about her sudden vanishing act? Would they be upset with her?

Suddenly the front door opened and Bambam stepped out on the porch. He turned around and locked the front door. But then he froze, like he could sense her eyes on him and turned to survey the area. He swept his eyes through the garden before locking gaze with Eunkyung.

The boy suddenly beamed and jumped off the porch to come running to her.

"Eunkyung!" He shouted and tackled her with a big hug.

"Oh my gosh! I missed you so much! We were getting really worried when you stopped turning up and we tried going over to your house but you weren't answering and it kinda seemed like you weren't home? But what's really important is that you're finally back home! Did you go on a trip or something like that?"

Bambam's chattering at the speed of leaves Eunkyung reeling for a second. She gives him a squeeze before pulling back from the hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I wasn't going to be around. I had to go spend some time at a classmates house."

Well, that wasn't a total lie.

"Oh really?" Bambam asked curiously. "Why? What happened?"

"Some stuff happened and they needed me to spend some time with them." She said vaguely.

That was more of a lie.

Bambam gave her a bit of a strange look, but he was tactful enough to drop the subject.

"That's not really the important thing I guess." He reached out an exactly clasped her hands inches own. "Since your home now, can you come for dinner tonight? We all really missed having you over!"

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