The Witch's Cottage

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Eunkyung felt like she was going insane. She was living in a house of 7 boys she barely knew who all believe in stupid wives tales about werewolves. There wasn't a minute where she didn't look around the house and see wolf pelts or someone polishing a weapon they claimed killed wolves. The whole world seemed backwards inside the house of these teenage boys who spoke like their 'duty' to kill werewolves put the weight of the world on their shoulders.

It was awful.

They wouldn't let her leave their sight for longer than a few minutes because she could, "be a target now that the wolfs knew that she had a relationship with the hunters."

As a result, She had spent a week with at the clan's house. The only time she left was to go to school with Jungkook and even then he walked her to all of her classes. She was practically their prisoner and there was only so much more she could take before she snapped.


Jungkook knocked on her door, waited a moment, and let himself in her room when she said nothing. Eunkyung looked up from the book she had been reading to glared at him.

"You know," She started as she placed a bookmark in between the pages and shut it. "It's rude to enter someone's room without their permission. It's an invasion of their privacy."

"But you wouldn't have let me in." Jungkook looked down at the floor awkwardly. "And I wanted to talk to you."

"And?" She prompted but Jungkook just gave her an empty look of confusion. Huffing in irritation, she continued with what should be obvious. "Does wanting to talk to me give you the right to just enter my room?"

Jungkook looked visibly uncomfortable. He shifted from side to side before opening his mouth, closing it, opening it again before closing it and looking down at the ground in shame.

"Honestly, Jungkook," Eunkyung stood up. "That's what's so infuriating about you! You don't consider me at all.You do what you want and think is right."

Jungkook started to defend himself but Eunkyung cut him off and continued to rant, her patience finally gone.

"You come to my house to study and attack an animal on my land without considering that I might now mind having wild animals on my land in the forest. You drag me away from my home and force me to stay with you even though I'm obviously unhappy about it. You keep talking about killing things even though I have made it very clear that I don't want to hear it at all. I've been very patent with you this whole time because I figured at some point you had to let up and respect my opinions and wishes but you obviously are to blinded by yourself to see me.

"What's more is," Everything that has been bothering her the entire time she's know Jungkook comes tumbling and she refuses to let up. "You seem so dead set on making the werewolves out to be your enemy but you've never once considered anything from their point of view. If they do exist, wouldn't it be horrible to turn into a wolf every month? Isn't that painful? And they're an entire species. You can't make them all out to be bad. There are bad humans and good humans. Just because you see the bad horrible things they have done doesn't mean you know they haven't done anything good."

"... Didn't you agree to come here if i didn't hunt anything on your land?"

That was the wrong thing for Jungkook to say.

Eunkyung snapped.

She shoved Jungkook out of her room and slammed the door behind her. Stomping as she went, she grabbed all her stuff, shoved it in her duffle bag, and zipped it shut with finality.

She swung the door to the guest room open and Jungkook stood there. Eunkyung looked at him for a moment with her jaw set and eyes furrowed before stalking past him without a word.

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