The Meadow

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The next morning, Eunkyung did not want to get up. She drags herself out of bed and dully brushes her teeth before dully nibbling on a granola bar while packing her school bag. Then she forced herself to put on jeans and a t-shirt to at least look like she tried.

Halfway at the door, it hit her what was waiting for her at school.


Eunkyung groaned. She really did not want to deal with him right now. After all the harsh things she had said to him before storming out of his house, it was probably going to be more than a little awkward around him. Skipping school sounded like a better option to her.

She debated for a moment. On one hand, she had never skipped class before. It was something she just didn't do. Being a model student was kind of a force of habit at this point. One the other hand, it was her last year of school and missing on day of class wasn't going to kill her. She had all A's in her classes and all her teachers liked her and would be happy to help her get caught up on the material she missed.

It wasn't really a hard decision to make.

If she wasn't going to class today, she might as well spend time with her friends.

Just as she had said the day before, them being werewolves hadn't changed anything about their friendship. After spending so much time with Jungkook and his clan, the fact that the boys next door were creatures she previously thought were mythical wasn't as big of a surprise as one would think it had been. It was like she had found out one of them was adopted or they did taxes for a living. It didn't change who they were, but it explained why they were who they were and she was able to learn a new thing about them.

With that in mind, Eunkyung tossed her backpack to the side and grabbed her purse instead. She locked her front door behind her and began to walk the path to the boys house with a spring in her step.

However, all the confidence she held when she decided to visit the werewolves evaporated when she actually got to the boys house. They had always told her that she could come over any time, but she had never taken them up on that offer. It was very forward of her, but she really did want to hang out with them. Yugyeom mentioned he was homeschooled and that the other boys taught him, so they were probably home on a school day. And they could always turn her away if they didn't want her over, right?

Before she could talk herself out of it, Eunkyung hurriedly knocked on their door and waited.

After a moment of silence, there was a shuffle and then a click as someone unlocked the door. Bambam peeked out with a curious expression and beamed when he saw Eunkyung.

"Eunkyung's here!" He shouted over his shoulder and into the house while he opening the door wide so she could come in.

Within seconds, the whole pack surrounded Eunkyung and welcomed her.

"Eunkyung," Youngjae ran over with a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to hang out, it that's not any trouble?" She let her words turn up in an unsure lilt and looked at the older boys nervously, seeking their approval.

JB glance at Yugyeom before nodding.

"Of course," He told her. "You're always welcome here."

"Yugyeom," Jr shot the youngest boy with a sharp look. "Don't think you can skip math just because Eunkyung is here. You can hang out with her once you finish today's lesson."

With an upset grumble, Yugyeom let himself get dragged back to the patio but his math teacher, Youngjae. Jr watches them go until he is satisfied that the youngest isn't trying to pul a fast one. He then turned to Eunkyung with a smile.

Silver Rose || {A GOT7 Yugyeom Fanfic}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora