Destined meeting

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In the Yawning Portal, in the town of Waterdeep. 

At one table, a woman in rather fine clothing sat alone, she wore a long coat, and on her hip was a simple rapier. She held a mug in her hand, looking down. She looked across the room. Many people were all around, drinking the stress and exhaustion from the days. 

She noticed walking down the steps was a set of Halflings, climbed up the steps to the second floor, along with a Mastiff that followed them. 

"Come on Crusher, come here boy." the female halfling said.

The dog walked over to the stool as the pair climbed the seats and ordered a set of drinks. Across the balcony, an Elf man and a rather tall half orc woman were sitting at a table, the elf was writing on paper rather furiously. 

"37 Gold, keep that in mind, now the odds of the tournament, I need to think. If you make it through 3 rounds, I need you to be the underdog in the fight, that can triple the bets placed by a factor of 3, now how much was the bet I would place?" The elf asked.

"37 gold." the orc said.

"That's 111, that still doesn't have enough. If I put you through 3 rounds I could get us nearly 10 platinum. However, that's if you were the underdog in all 3 situations. Uuuugh. If I had more time, I could research what I need to truly get back at those damned thieves who cheated me out of my arena." the elf said.

In a corner, a figure wearing a surcoat, with the symbol of the Order of Sacred Death sat in the corner. Their back facing out, as the rested their mask next to them on the table. Their mug was set down, before they put the mask on.

"Damn it, I wish this had a removable mouth part." he said, annoyed.

The woman dressed in noble clothing stood up, and elegantly strode her way to the table with the Elf and Half Orc.

"Hmmmm, attempting to place bets on the tournament at the Field of Triumph? I would be happy to be a sponsor, after all, the Cossa Family is rather widely known for it's wealth and gladiatorial games." She said, smiling.

"Lass, I've never heard of your family, that was the Casso......Cassows.....Nope, no idea who your family is, and trust me, 50 years of managing gladiators, you learn the players of the circuits." The elf said.

"Cossa's were famous, then they had hard times and sold most of their arena's 50 years back." the half orc said.

"N..No! Those places just had more expenses than income so we generously gifted them after some rather nice donations from other entities who wanted to be owners in stadiums." The woman said.

"Got it, nobles who were shit with budgeting, now leave me be." The Elf said.

"Come on kind sir, you must want some sort of sponsor, I am willing to donate some money, so that you have a good solid 50 gold." the woman said.

"Foluni, please have her get away from me." The Elf said, taking out a scroll on and holding it in his hand.

The Half Orc stood up and grabbed the Human Noble by that arms, carrying her away before setting her down at the table with the halflings, and walking back to the elf.

"Hello, I'm Oldia, and this is my brother, Latran, nice to meet you." The druid said, before the mastiff rested it's head on the lady's lap, panting.

"Oh, and that Crusher. my dog." Oldia said.

"Nice to meet, you all, I am Lady Coliel Cossa, of Neveren." She said, smiling.

"We came from the High forest." Latran said

The masked Cleric walked by, placing his hand on the stair railing.

"Oi! You think it's funny, laughing at me mates getting beaten up?" One asked.

Everyone began to gather around, even some looking over the balcony to see the fight that was about to break out. The Cleric walked through the group, stepping near the fighting group, which was a half orc, going against 5 other individuals, one that had a tattoo on their bald head.

The first punch was rather clear, striking the bald man in the jaw by the Half-orc. Two of the guys rushed forward, swinging, missing the punches before the Half-orc threw her knee up, knocking another one down. One of the guys picked up a chair, swinging it down and breaking it on the Half-orc who braced herself for the hit. 

The Cleric grabbed another individual, and headbutted the  man, having him fall to the ground. The Cleric rolled his shoulders, raising his fists and joined the fight.

"Never seen a holy man eager to join a fight. Seems strange, don't those lot only fight for good? He's drunk, that should be clear." Where said through the crowd of on lookers

The Cleric and Half-orc kept fighting, dodging and taking a few hits, before with a double punch, both the Cleric and Half orc punched the bald man, knocking him unconscious.

"Thanks for the help. But you shouldn't have gotten in my way of my fight." the half orc woman said.

"It's the duty of my order to keep all deaths destined by fate, a bar fight is not their end." the cleric said, holding his hand out.

"Here, let me." He said, before he closed his eyes, and healed the half orc woman.

"What's your name?" she asked

"Nos Pentora, at your service." he said, bowing just a bit.

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