The Dock Ward

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"Ok, tell me who you all are, and what you are good at." Lady Coleil Cossa said, looking at the group.

"My name is Oldia Tensky, I'm a druid. This is my Dog, crusher, he's a good boy." Oldia explained, as she pulled out her hand axe and shield.

"My name is Latran, I'm Oldia's older brother-" Latran started.

"My a minute!" Oldia interupted, angry.

"I'm a ranger, and I'm pretty good with a my bow." He said, pulling out a bow.

"I am Nos Pentora, I am a Cleric, I have some basic healing abilities, over all, I'm reliable in a fight, as support, or near the front. My order has no temple in this city." The masked Cleric said.

The Elf crossed his arms, and sneared.

"I am Lufaren Firsinger, renound gladiator-owner, and wizard. This is my best gladiator, Foluni, she's what you would refer to as a barbarian, now tell us, who are you?" Lufaren asked.

"My name is Coleil Cossa, and I happen to of the rather influential Cossa trade family, having served the coast of Faerun for the last 3 centuries as the explorers of Evermeet." She stated.

"Never heard of your family." Nos said.

"Same." the Halfling twins said.

"I never really cared of the politics of the lesser races." Lufaren said, waving his hand.

"They lost their exploration fleet nearly 100 years back, had lost a lot of wealth." Foluni said.

"What did I say about talking, you do not talk." Lufaren said, shoving his finger into the Half orc's chest.

"Well, I think we should start looking for Floon, It would be good to help find a missing friend." Oldia said, smiling.

"So, we start in the docks then?" Nos asked.

"It seems so. I saw we stick together." Coleil said, "until we find the skewered dragon, then we need a plan." 

"Fair enough, let us go." Nos said.

The group would leave the Yawning Portal, and start to make their way to the dock ward. Traveling the streets, the group would turn the corner, seeing a dozen bodies on the cobble stone road, with the city Watch examining the area.

"Move along, nothing to see." one watch member said.

Oldia noticed 3 were bound, disarmed and covered in blood.

"What is up with the fighting?" Oldia asked.

"Zhentarims and Xanathars fight for control of the city, the docks just happen to become their latest clash of terrirory. I don't see why the Watch doesn't just destroy both of them." a watch officer said.

Oldia rode on top of Crusher, her Mastiff, and was separated from the group. Confused, and lost, she stopped, hoping to see her friends, when she came across a shop. In the Window, was a stuffed Beholder, and in fancily painted letter read "Old Xoblob's Curious Curiosities."

Oldia entered the shop, being met by a purple smoke with the scent of lavender filling her nostrils. Looking around she saw trinkets and objects covering the shelves, with a gnome with grey skin sitting on the counter.

"Hail and well met. I am Xoblob, and I welcome you to my shop containing the most curious curiosities in all of Waterdeep." the gnome said, exhaling a cloud of smoke into the air. Oldia looked before she picked up and old silver box, that simply had one word written in gold letteering, reading "Dreams" on it.

She brought it up to the counter, and smiled.

"How much do you want for it?"  She asked.

Xoblob looked at her, her optimism, and smiled.

"For you, I shall give it to you, for 3 silver." Oldia put a gold piece down and Xoblob gave her back 7 pieces. 

"Happy to do business with you." the gnome said, smiling.

Oldia went outside, before Crusher began to sniff the ground.

"You smell Latran boy?" Oldia asked, having crusher nod.

Hopping on her dog, the mastiff began to run the streets, before finally reaching the outside of a tavern, where an anchor was stuck in the roof, a sign hanging from a single ring reading "Scewered dragon" on the side.

"Oldia, where where you?" Latran asked.

"A trinket shop, I got a dream box." She said, showing the silver box.

"Did you ask if they knew anything about Floon?" Nos asked.

Oldia's cheeks reddened.

"No." she timidly stated.

Nos shook his head.

Inside the Skewered Dragon, Coleil, and Lufaren were asking questions.

"You must know something, come on, it's not going to get anyone killed if you just, give us what you know." Coleil said, leaning against the bar, as she "Accidentally" had her shirt unbutton just a bit.

"Well, Floon was drinkin with Volo, but then he started drinken with the son of the last open lord, Renear, poor kid, well, he's a rich bastard who hasn't worked a day in his life thanks to his father. They got drunker than the dead and left. " the bartender explained

"The rich bastard likes rubbing his stolen wealth in all our noses!" One patron shouted.

"Yeah, after they left, 5 fellows with the snake tattoos followed them. Never came back, I think they went to Candle Lane, people say they saw some a place there with a snake mark on the door, that's probably your best bet." the bartender continued.

"Well, thats's lovely, would you happen to know where this place it?" Lufaren asked.

"Go back the way you came, take a right, keep going till your near Way of the Dragon, then there's an alley with broken lanterns, that's candle land. The building has a candle in the window." The Bartender explained.

Outside the tavern. Nos was standing, his arms crossed.

"You don't smell like the insence most clerics and paladins smell like. You smell, like a lot. Dirt, stone, fire, blood. Have you traveled much?" Foluni asked.

"I've been to many places, seen many temples, in the work I did to become a cleric." Nos said.

"The smells stick when you've done the work and temple smells aren't ones I'm smelling." Foluni said.

"Then stop smelling me." Nos said, a bit defensive, looking up at the half orc who was taller then him, before stepping away. He took out a small cencer, and put some incense, and igniting it, letting the smoke rise up and small ball on a chain.

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