Troll Skull Manor

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Standing outside of a rundown building. Everyone looked at the building, it was clear it hadn't been used in sometime. Everyone looked at it....kind of just.....doubtful.

 "You can not be serious? This place is a wreck." Lufaren said, crossing his arms, looking at Volo.

"Not quiet. I came across this residence for....a project. I am happy to gift it to your party for all job. It may be a bit of a fixer upper, but I am more than willing to have the repairs be made and paid for. After that, You can do what you want." Volo said.

The group would walk into the manor, examining the bottom floor, which was a tap room. 

"Large meeting hall, could be used for some thing. Maybe we could turn this into a shop." 

"Maybe we could make it into a tavern!" Oldia stated, smiling.

"It was once a tavern. Some times back, before it was an orphanage." Volo said

Coliel walked by a counter, rubbing dust off the top.

"Definitely needs to be cleaned." She said, looking at the dust on her finger.

"I can get the dust. Open the windows!" Oldia shouted, smiling

Latran and Foluni started to open windows, as Oldia closed her eyes, and with a deep breathe she whispered.

"Spirits of wind, here my call, breeze flow through and carry the dust away, it also knocked down a few chairs and flipped an old table over, as the winds blew through the building.

Nos however, walked around the other side of the building, climbing the steps to the upper levels. He walked up the steps and opened the door, feeling a presence in the room. 

"Something about this place feels off." He said to himself.

He opened the first door, seeing it lead to a den. Walking around, he found his way up to the upper most floor and found the attic. He took off his helmet and removed his mask. Taking a momment, he kept an ear out, before running a few fingers through his hair.

"You're playing a dangerous game Nos....You've gotten lucky for too long, long can you keep this up?" He asked, looking at his reflection in the window.

"You know this isn't who you need to leave, and start over. Go to Neverwinter." He said, before he heard steps on the floor below him.

Nos grabbed his helmet and mask, putting them back on, before he turned to the steps.

"Nos, do you see anything bad?" Coleil asked.

"Nothing more than a feeling of dread. We will need to clean the old stuff out, new sheets, new pillows, new everything." Nos answered.

"So what? Anything worth salvaging?" She asked, walking towards Nos, placing a hand on the door way, blocking him from leaving.

"Probably not. My guess is we get some supplies to sleep, and we basically camp in the room you want. I'll sleep up here." Nos said, shaking his head.

"Fair. Mind if I ask, what's with the mask. The Real reason." Coleil Cossa asked, her arms crossed.

"The mask is a tradition in my order. We celebrate the life we look forward to, and the mask is the one of our god. We put our old lives away, and choose a new one." Nos said.

"Yeah....I doubt that. I however did see something odd. For a cleric, you don't wear heavy armor, you have too much insight on that could only be described as the criminal underworld. It's calling me to doubt you are a pious man." Coleil said.

Nos was quiet....he narrowed his eyes, stepping up to her.

"Who I was, and who I am, are not something you should be concerned about, especially when I do not ask who you are, or what you are doing with what you are going to do with the money you retain." Nos said, his hand gripping his mace as he looked at the Noble, in only title.

Coleil gripped her rapier, being ready to draw, when a third person approached. Both turned to see Oldia, riding on Crusher.

"Oh, sorry for interrupting, I didn't know you two were having a private moment." Oldia said, blushing, both realizing what she thought was happening.

"Me and Him? Gods no! I don't see what anyone would see in him." Coleil said, her face turning red.

Nos walked by, heading down.

"I will do a cleaning ritual, try and purify this place of the evil that may reside in here." Nos stated, as he walked away.

Oldia looked at Coleil.

"Ummm, Lufaren says that either he will sign, or you will sign." Oldia said.

Lady Cossa rolled her eyes, heading down.

"That damn elf isn't getting a property in Waterdeep before me." She grumbled, storming down the steps.

Volo was holding a deed, with a minister standing near by to observe the changing of hands of the property, and to collect the tax. Lady Cossa walked up to Volo and read over the paper work. With some time, she finished and smiled.

"Well, I am more than happy to sign and have the building transferred into my family's name." Coleil said, smiling, as she put her name on the paperwork. Volo gave the gold and the paperwork was completed.

"Now, I wish you all the best of luck. I feel work will spread quickly of this." Volo stated.

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