Crew's Personal Time

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As everyone was working to repair the Manor that they had acquired. Lufaren was sitting in the old study, looking over all the books, finding nothing of real value, the pages too rotted to get clear ideas, it would probably be better to simply burn them all and start collecting a new. He found an old crate and started to put the books in side, before a knock was heard at the room's entrance. The door opened and Coleil Cossa was standing in the door way. 

"Oh I didn't expect you to be in here." Lady Cossa said, seeing the wizard gathering the books.

"What is it that brings you into my presence?" Lufaren asked, as he didn't really stop as he flipped through the pages, he tossed the book into the crate before he grabbed the book and started to look through the next one. 

"I was curious, why are you with us? You seems like you don't want to be near any of us." She stated.

"Simple, you are useful for what I want. I see you as nothing better than tools, besides, it got me a location to rest in the city." Lufaren said, not even looking at the woman, while still tossing books away.

"And what is that goal?" Coleil asked, annoyed at being called a tool.

"I wish to change my fate. I spent a fortune on the seers, and they all told me that I would die an early death, so I seek to change change it, to get wealth and have my fortune back." He explained, still not looking at Cossa.

Coleil walked over to a desk, opening a drawer and finding a journal. She opened it and found it was at least legible.

"Hmmmmm, seems like the man who owned this place before was a bit of an optimist. I wonder what happened to him. It wasn't all too long when he stopped writing." She said, closing it and putting the book down.

"See if you find a ledger, I would be interested if this place had any actual profit." Lufaren said, as he continued to look through rotted books.

Coleil kept looking, until she noticed, there was a ledger, was for an orphanage, from even longer ago.

"Place has a weird history, sure explains the size however." She said.

The pair would move the books out, until they old painting.

It was a woman sitting in a chair, she was smiling, as she was surrounded with smiling children, nearly 2 dozen.

"That is a hideous painting." Lufaren said.

"Agreed. Let's burn it." Coleil said.


Latran and Oldia were cleaning and dusting off the tables and seeing if the chairs were any good. Crusher on the other hand was laying in the light of a window, enjoying the warmth. 

"You know, I think Nos and Coleil would be a cute pairing." Oldia said, smiling, after telling her brother what she witnessed.

"You've been reading those tropy forbidden romance novels again haven't you? I thought you weren't allowed in the library at home for the reason of that sketch the headmaster found." Latran said, referring to a sketch of Elder Theas and Mentor Daria, which was.....scandalous if they didn't know the original artist.

"What? I like those stories cause they have an enticing romance." Oldia said, attempting to defend herself.

"They are as enticing as they hearing of Elder Felor's story of his youth, so weird you can't stop listening." Latran countered.

The pair kept cleaning, as Crusher lifted his head and looked at a table and barked.

"What is it Crusher?" Oldia asked.

The dog kept looking at the table, that had the chair on top of it. 

The pair shrugged before continuing to clean. After a bit, Crusher barked again, and began to growl. The pair looked around, when Oldia noticed....a chair's remnants was thrown off the table. 

"What the?" Oldia asked, confused.

Nos walked down the steps, and had entered the room.

"I'm going to check on the basement supplies. I have a feeling I'll need some help getting old barrels out from the cellar." He stated.

Foluni got up and traveled down to the cellar. Nos and Foluni looked at the 6 barrels. Nos walked over and pulled the cork off of one barrel, sniffing it, and coughed.

"That is vinegar. Safe to say all of these are." Nos said.

"You are trying to move away from discussing something." Foluni said.

"What makes you think that?" Nos questioned, as he rolled the first barrel towards the steps.

"You don't talk unless you want something. Being personal is something you avoid with great effort." Foluni said, as she grabbed a barrel and moved towards the steps, as Nos lifted the barrel up.

"It's simple, I just don't want to discuss my old life, it's dead." Nos explained

"Then you have no issue talking about a dead person. Or can you not speak ill of the dead?" Foluni asked.

"It's like asking why you you serve the wizard." Nos said.

"I serve as I am bound to his service. A service I can not escape from." Foluni stated.

Nos set the barrel down, nearly dropping it as he looked back at the Half Orc.

"You are enslaved to him?" Nos asked, confused.

"No. I am enslaved to a scroll of paper he carries. Who ever holds that scroll I am in service to." Foluni said, as she walked back down the steps to the cellar.

Nos was quiet as he followed her.

"I did have an old life, I'm just not proud of it. I don't want to talk about it as it's a chapter I have left behind." 

"Previous chapters may not have concluded a story, only telling part of what has been done." Foluni said.

"Why are you so talkative now? And the words of wisdom. It's odd." Nos said, as he carried the next barrel.

"Simple, on missions, I follow, there is no mission, so I may be who I am." She answered.

"As long as the wizard with the inferiority complex  isn't around, you can be who ever you wish to be." Nos said, as he carried the other barrel out.

The last barrel was set down, before Nos looked at them, and asked.

"What do we do with 360 gallons of vinegar?" Nos asked himself.

"Dump it in the sewer." Foluni said, handing the cleric an axe, before walking back inside, only to be hit in the head by a plate.

"We got a ghost." Oldia shouted, as she was cowering under a table, as plates hovered over her and Latran.

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