The first fight

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It took a bit, but Candle Lane. Moving slowly with caution, Coleil, Oldia and Latran looked out around, until they found the warehouse with the symbol painted on the door. The single lamp glowed it's light on the symbol. Signaling the rest, the rest walked up, looking at the door.

"So this is the place? Well, Let's go in and meet the people." Oldia said, reaching for the door handle. 

Coleil grabbed her hand.

"Hold it, this could be dangerous, we don't know how many people are in there." She said.

"Foluni. Door, open it." Lufaren commanded.

Foluni took a step back from the door, before stepping forward and slamming her foot into the door, forcing it open.

Nos touched his mace, making it glow, before he tapped the focus that was on of Lufaren's staff.

"There, we have light as we go in." Nos said, as he took the lead. As everyone entered the dark room, the light illuminated the area enough for everyone to see. The upper level had a few people laying on the ground, they had clear signs of battle, with stab wounds covering their body, as another had a slit throat.

Coleil walked over and picked up a rapier, she slashed the air with it.

"Fuck, this is better than mine." She said, picking up the sheathe and pulled her blade from her belt and dropped it on the ground.

"That seems wasteful, why not keep your sword?" Oldia asked.

"Because, my blade is dull, and I can't get it fixed." Coleil said.

"I thought you were a Noble, don't they usually have a lot of money?" Oldia asked.

"Yes, and Gladiator promoters usually have more than one." Coleil said.

"At least I have one! What wealth do you have!" Lufaren shouted,

Stepping down the stairs, to the lower area, Nos and Latran looked around. There was a sound of movement. Oldia walked down, with crusher growling, before the dog barked, jumping so it's paws were on the railing.

Suddenly a bird like creature leapt from behind a create, and slashed at Nos, the blade stabbing into the chest, before it was pulled out. The stab was deep, staining the tunic red with blood, as he fell to his knee.

A second bird creature leapt and thrust the sword forward, stabbing Oldia in the arm, before she raised her shield and narrowly blocked a second attack, aimed for her head.

A third bird was on the second floor, stabbing Foluni in the back, before the Barbarian grabbed the creature and slammed it into the railing, breaking one part and impaling the bird.

"They are Kenku! Look out!" Coleil said, seeing the bird like beak, and the blade stab forward, cutting her cheek as she narrowly dodged the strike. 

Nos's spoke, "Blessed Death, let me continue to serve and preserve those until their time." before he glowed, before standing up and swung his mace. 

With a swing of his mace, the Kenku was nearly hit, but was barely able to parry the strike so it nearly fell to his knee. Latran was fast, drawing his dagger, he thrust the blade forward, stabbing into the throat of the Kenku, killing it, as if fell on it's back.

A bolt of fire flew down from the upper level, burning the kneeling kenku, leaving one, who dropped it's weapon. Nos grabbed the Kenku, before pushing them against the wall.

"Who sent you!" Nos shouted.

"Xanathar sends it's reguards." it said in a deep voice, with a hint of an Orc like accent came from the kenku's beaks.

"Xanathar? Who is that?" Oldia asked.

"Tie up the pretty boy in the back room! Follow the yellow signs in the sewers." the kenku asked.

"You didn't answer the question." Nos said.

"Kenku's can't actually talk, they mimic what they hear." Fufaren said

"'s as dumb as a doornail?" Nos asked.

"For a cleric, you are rather poorly versed in threats of semi-common knowledge." Coleil explained.

"I am not a person who can identify everything the moment I see it." Nos said.

Fufaren walked down, before he pressed his hand to the head of the Kenku, before the eyes froze, and tongue lolled out of the mouth.

"You killed it. Was that really necessary?!" Oldia asked confused.

"They have no useful information, and if we let them go, they will try and tell their boss." the Elf said, shaking his hand, before muttering "Filthy creature." 

Foluni walked over to a crate, before she knocked on it, and with a hard pull, opened it. Looking inside, she pulled out a bar of silver.

Coleil ran over and looked in, grabbing two and putting them in her stachel.

"I don't think these will be missed." She said, smiling.

"Most definately not." Fufaren said, as he did the same.

"Isn't stealing wrong?" Oldia asked.

"It is when it's stealing from good people." Coleil said, as she loaded two more silver bars in, "Ok, I'm good." She said.

Foluni put one in her bag, before Latran looked at them.

"Silver is good for hunter were-creatures." He said, as he eyed the silver bar.

"It couldn't hurt to have one." Oldia said.

Nos looked at the silver bars.

"I'm only taking them so I can get better armor." He said, picking up a bar, thinking of a way to justify his actions.

Opening another create, they found a set of paintings that were of cities.

"Oh, these are nice. Now if there was a way to make sure we got them." Lufaren said, as he examined the paintings.

Coleil took them out of the frames and carefully rolled them up, before putting them in the carrying tube, and slung them over her shoulder.

Everyone looked at her, surprised.

"What? I deserve nice things." She said.

"Your justification is that you are greedy and want stuff that is nice." Foluni stated

"I am not taking morality lessons from a barbarian!" She said.

Oldia opened a door and walked inside a storage closet, before she pulled a tarp off, and found man hiding under it.

"Oh thank gods. Thank you! You killed those bird things, right?" He asked, confused.

"Who are you?" Oldia asked.

"My name is Renaer Neverember. I was kidnapped a few days ago, with Floon Blagmaar. I think they thought I was Floon. After they took me, they wanted to know where my father hid the money he Embezzled, and asking about something called "The stone of Golorr", I don't know what it is, someone must have stolen it, since they are so desperate to find it." Renaer explained, as he got up.

Renaer got up and walked out of the small closet.

"It's probably best if you go to the Yawning Portal. Volothamp is there, and you should probably tell him what happened." Coleil said.

The would leave the warehouse, and be met by a dozen of City Watch members approaching them.

"Fuck." Coleil said, as she debated if she was to run or stay.

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