Hideout Rescue

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With the Sewer lid pulled off, Everyone tied the clothes around their faces. The group would go down into the sewers. Nos was the last in the group, before he was face to face with the panting mouth of Crusher.

"Go and wait at the Yawning portal." Nos said, pointing down the road.

The dog whimpered, sad, before Noss pulled the cover over the manhole.

Nos would cast light onto the head of his club, along with it being cast on Foluni's great sword, and Lufaren's staff. Coleil Cossa, Latran and Oldia stayed between the 3, while they walked forward.

"This place smells horrid, why would they not have overland routes?" Lufaren questioned.

"Too many eyes that could warn the enemy. Best way to get around is where no one goes." Nos said.

"You seem to have some experience with this." Coleil said.

"In a way I do. When I was young, I did things I'm not proud of, sewers were my home for some time." Nos explained.

"Hiding is not what I expect a cleric would have done in their youth." Coleil commented.

"Then you have not lived my life. I may celebrate life, but it is the one ahead of me, the one behind me died when I took this mask." Nos explained, before he noticed the intersection, and seeing the first mark, next to a palm sized circle with 10 lines radiating out, with an eye pointing to the left.

"We continue left, I feel one of these will be at every turn." He added.

They kept moving, it would be a long journey until they eventually reached an intersection. Near a stone pillar and a ladder was a floating object.

It growled at them, before Coleil took aim with her crossbow, feeling something grab and pull at it, only for the pull to be broken free. She fired and the shot flew wide, narrowly missing the creature.

"Damn it!" She cried annoyed, as she pulled the string back. 

Latran would quickly draw his bow and fire, the arrow flying through the air, before it a blue ray of light flew from one of the eyes. Foluni leapt forward, tackling and rolling the halfling out of the way, leaving the area where he was frozen. The arrow however did strike, piercing the floating creature's hide.

"It's a Gazer!" Oldia said.

Lufaren raised his hand, making casting a fire spell, the fire shot out like a bolt and slammed into the gazer as it looked just in time to be hit by the flames, burning the creature alive as it fell onto the ground, leaving a charred body.

"Disgusting creature." The elf said.

"Best we find where the hide out is soon." Oldia said, as she walked to the ladder, and walked up, looking at the symbol.

"It's clearly up this ladder." Lufaren said, climbing, and noticed it said "To Spouting Fish". He slid down, scoffing.

Following the path, with Latran in the lead. The group kept an eye out. It was a surprise when a set of arrows missed Foluni, but Coleil got struck in the arm. Now rushing forward, the group sees that there were two goblins.

Oldia was able to get close, with a swing of her hand axe, she struck true, bringing the head of the axe into down onto the head of the first Goblin, killing it in a single strike. Latran with his bow ready, fired a shot at the other Goblin, the arrow piecing the throat in a single strike, killing the goblin as it was about to fire an arrow at Lufaren.

"We got lucky it didn't warn others." Foluni said. 

Nos was looking around, running his hand along the wall. His fingers caught something. Pushing against one side, a door slowly was pushed open.

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