Trouble From Below

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Latran heard a rumbling sound, and a bit of buzzing. Turning to look over the edge of the second floor of the Yawning Portal. As he looked into the opening into the hole in the middle of the tavern. Many people heard the sound, backing away slowly, until a hand gripped the edge. 

A hulking creature climbed from the shaft in the middle of the taproom, the skin covered in warts, tangled with black hair, the long crooked nose and blood shot eyes moved back and forth. The silence across the room was broken by the bartender, a stout, bearded man screamed "TROLL!", causing the patrons, with a few exceptions, to scatter.

The Cleric, Nos Pentora was the first to react, his palm was opened and he scowled "Righteous FLAME!".

The Troll yelled in pain as his body was engulfed in flame. 3 striges rose from the pit, buzzing in the air, floating around the second level of the tavern. Two moved towards the due of the half orc and elf, when the half orc would attempt to grab both, but they narrowly dodged her hands. 

The Elf raised his hands, before bubbles of acid from his hands, the burst on the flying pests and began to melt the bugs down, splattering on the table, splashing some acid on to the papers.

"DAMN YOU!" He shouted, standing up and slamming his hands on the table, and he noticed the troll that was burning

"Foluni, deal with it." the elf commanded.

The Half orc rushed forward, stepping onto the railing, and leapt, raising her great sword, and missed, landing near by with a loud crashing sound, drawing the attention of the Troll. 

Latran moved over the the railing, before pulling the bow, and fired an arrow, the arrow hitting the troll in the chest.

The third stirge flew up, and was right in front of the halfling ranger, when the brother was pulled back, and Oldia swung her hand axe, into skull of the stirge, killing it.

"I got it!" She said, happy, before Crusher looked up, before knocking over a mug of beer and licking it off the table.

Lady Coleil Cossa turned and drew her rapier, rushing over the edge and with one swift leap, she would drive her rapier into the chest of the Troll, before leaping back, kicking it back a bit with some force. 

"Not exactly what I expected when I came to Waterdeep!" She said, grinning.

"Most certainly isn't Neverwinter." Nos commented.

The Troll scowled, looking at the three, before it raised it's hand and swung down, narrowly missing the Half Orc, before from the Balcony a bolt of fire hit the Troll in the back.

"Foluni! I said deal with it!" The Elf yelled down.

The Cleric swung it's mace, hitting the knee, before the Barbarian of a half orc swung her great sword down. The Troll would fall to a knee, groaning, before an arrow found it's way into the head from the second floor. A crossbow bolt from the noble lady found it's way into the head.

Finally, with a sudden surprise to the troll was knocked by a focused gust of wind, that knocked the troll to the edge of the portal.

The Troll snarled, before it swung at the barbarian, slashing her arm with it's claw, before with a bash of his shield, the cleric knocked the troll down the pit that it climbed out of.

"Now you stay down there you beast of darkness." Nos said, before he looked around, and approached the Barbarian, who pulled away.

"I'm not paying for you to do services. She can heal." the elf said, walking down the steps and approaching the Cleric, getting between him and the half orc.

"And who are you?" Nos asked.

"I am Lufaren Firsinger, her fight coordinator. I think it's best if we are on our way." He said, and looked down, seeing the halflings, one sitting on a dog, with a handful of berries.

"Here. That scratch looks pretty rough." Oldia said.

"I told the cleric she doesn't need healing. I'm doubting a child's offering is going to be any better." He said, picking a berry up, just to crush it.

"Hold it you lot, you're the mercenary types?" A man with a very full beard, and wearing a puffy shirt.

"I am Volothamp Geddarm, it is a Chronicler, Wizard, Celebrity. I was hoping I could hire you for a mission." the man said, smiling as he looked to the group.

"What is the reward?" Lufaren asked.

"I will give you a nice hefty bit of gold for you all. But I need help, and only give it after you complete the job." Volo said, walking towards the stairs, and going up.

Everyone followed the man up the steps, and gathered around the table.

"6 of ya? I can work with that. I am hoping you could look for a friend I hadn't heard from in some time. I think it has something to do with the violence in the city as of late. Floom Blagmaar. The lad has less brains than he does fingers, and I fear he may have taken a bad way home, and was kidnapped, or....or maybe worse. If you promise to look for him with haste, I can promise 10 coins of gold, and 10 times that once he's safe." Volo explained.

"Well, you see, we-" Lufaren began, before Lady Coleil Cossa covered his mouth.

"We'd be happy to look into your friend's disappearance. I don't see any harm in helping such a respected figure out." She said, smiling.

She turned and whispered "If you do this, I'll make you payment 11 times the initial one." into Lufaren's ear.

"Well, that's good to hear. I am worried, and embarrassed, as I may be the one who had done this to him. We were drinking at the Skewered dragon, we drank for many hours, and played many rounds of cards, dice and Gyps, well....I left and that was the last I saw of him. I think you should start there, see what else you can find. It's in the docks." Volo explained.

"Well then, We shall start." Coleil Cossa said, smiling. 

Volo took coins from his bag, putting piles of 10 into 6 piles. Volo stood up.

"Once you have Floom safe, speak to Durnan, in no time at all, I will arrive, and your payment will be given." Volo explained, as he stood up.

"Don't worry, He will be back and in one piece." Coleil said, smiling, waving Volo away, before turning to look at everyone.

"Ok, tell me who you all are, and what you are good at." She said, dropping her seemingly refined and posh attitude, seeming more stressed and worried.

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