Seadie's Services

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As the party met by a dozen or so City Watch, they noticed one who was marked as a captain, who looked at the gathered party. The captain of the group introduced himself.

"I am Captain Hyustus Staget, We have reports of the sounds of fighting. Now, tell me, what happened here?" He asked, looking at the 6, 5 of which were being held by constables of the city watch.

"We were asked to look for Floon Blagmaar, which lead us to this place. We went inside and well, we were attacked by Kenku assassins." Oldia said, scared.

"Hmmmmm, interesting, would you happen to have any one who could back up that story, or perhaps the chance of explaining the stolen valuables from the Docks?" Hyustus asked, looking down at the halfling girl, before shifting his eyes to Coleil, and her shoulder slung tube.

"I can. I was hiding in a closet when they saved me. The Zhents and the guild fought, the Kenku were there to try and kill me." Renaer said, getting the watch captain's attention.

"Well I am rather surprised. Renaer. A wonderful surprise to see you here. Did dear old father not want you to be in the same ward as you?" Hyustus joked.

"Same reason you are still in the watch." Renaer joked back.

"Well, with your good word, and standing. I am willing to let what has happened here be passed over, this one time." He said, before he took a folded up piece of paper, "However, I recommend that you obey the laws of Waterdeep, or else the next encounter won't be as pleasant." 

The group all looked at the paper. It was the legal code of Waterdeep, Coleil swallowed. She looked at her bag of silver bars, and tubes of paintings, realizing, she would either be paying money, she didn't have, or spending a long time in jail for what she was now carrying.

The constables of the watch walked out.

"It is the Zhents and Guild, the Kenku are all dead. Looks like this was a meeting and recruitment area for them." One said.

"Well, then, I shall let you go." Hyustus said.

The group looked around, before Coleil tapped Renaer's shoulder.

"You wouldn't happen to know....where.....I could sell this?" She asked.

Renaer looked around, before he leaned close to Coleil, and whispered into her ear "There is a place, It is in a dark alleyway, the flowers are under a crown sign, that store will take the goods off your hands."

Coleil nodded.

"Thank you my good sir." She said, smiling.

Coleil started to walk down the way, before Renaer said. "Other way, take a right, three blocks down." 

Coleil turned around and started walking.

"I hate this fucking town." She mumbled, before Nos followed her, along with Lufaren and Foluni. Then the Tensky twins followed the rest, before Coleil would find the the symbol she was looking for, flowers under a crown sign.

As she walked down the alley way. There was a rather simple door, with a window, and a sign reading "We are not responsible for what occurs beyond this point." 

Coleil was the first to approach, before Foluni blocked her. Lufaren walked to the door and opened it, Foluni walking in after him.

As they entered, they were surprised to see the inside of the shop was rather clean, and orderly. If they had to guess, they didn't expect anything bad about the shop, until they looked at the counter, and sitting behind it was a Goliath that was sharpening a battle axe head, the stone grinding against the edge, a rag with blood next to them on the counter. They side eyed the pair, before Foluni glared, the pair sizing each other up, contemplating who would win the fight in this tight confined space. The Goliath nodded up, drawing the attention of to a set of plaques, that had tailbones mounted onto them, simply reading "Thieves and cheats"

Suddenly there was an unexpected sight. A Gnome walked up to the counter, and leaned on the wooden table.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

Lufaren looked at her.

"I am looking to rid myself of some items." He stated, taking a silver bar out, and setting it on the counter. 

The gnome looked at the silver bar, picking it up and testing the weight. She smiled before she looked at took a few stacks out. Setting them on the counter, the 6 stacks of 10 coins were slid forward.

"Come on, you're not fooling me. I know the value of trade bars." Lufaren said, annoyed at the girl trying to cheat him of the gold.

The gnome rolled her eyes, before she took 5 gold pieces away, leaving him with less than before.

"You little." He started, before noticing her pointing a finger at his chest, her thumb up.

"I'm a warlock sweetie. Take it and don't whine like a child." She said, narrowing her eyes, as he finger radiated energy .

Lufaren grit his teeth, before taking gold and walking away, gritting his teeth, annoyed. Foluni walked to a shelf, before Lufaren grabbed his scroll, "Stop delaying, we are leaving." He said, making Foluni grunt in pain, as she followed, leaving the store.

Nos and Coleil were next to enter.

Nos looked at the shelves of bottles, potions. He grabbed two bottles of red liquid, and that was purple. He placed them on the counter, and then placed his silver bar. He then placed a group of ball bearings, looking at the gnome.

"Interesting choice for a holy man." She said, placing 5 stacks on the counter, giving the exchange for the items that were purchased.

Coleil set the two bars on the counter. She then placed 6 scrolls, that read various cantrip spell names. She smiled, seeing the Gnome looking at the silver bars.

"Must have hit a trade caravan. Interesitng, but I won't ask." She said, getting a platinum coin. 

Coleil smiled, taking the coin and scrolls, putting them in her bag.

"The Cossa family is pleased to do business with you." She said, smiling.

Oldia and Latran entered, looking around. Oldia ran her fingers through some seeds, before she dropped them in a barrel. Oldia grabbed a few Sprigs of Mistletoe, before placing a gold coin and getting back silver and copper back, Crusher sniffed and grabbed a club, before Oldia gave a few more coins, letting crusher keep his new Chew toy.

Latran, however, looked at some knives, grabbing 6 of them, before purchasing them, and smiling.

"Now we need to go into the sewers to find Floon." Nos said, taking out 5 clothes, and handing one to each.

"It's going to help with the smell." He added, leading the way, and finding a sewer entrance.

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