Pouring Rain

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     After Jack's stream was done Wilbur quickly got his things and went outside, I followed him shortly afterwards. "Hey, Will. Before you go can I ask you something?" He stopped walking and looked at me, "Yeah, what's up?" "Why was your face all red when we were in there?" Wilbur suddenly began to fidget with his fingers, "It was hot in there, that's it." I put my jacket on, "Oh okay, can I have a hug before you go?" Wilbur nodded and then hugged me. Honestly Wilbur's hugs were the best things ever, they just made me feel safe. Shortly afterwards Wilbur let go and cleared his throat, "I uh... Have band rehearsal tomorrow. Would you wanna come with me?" I nodded and looked at him, "Sure, sounds fun. It would also be cool to give you guys some stuff I made for you and hear the music live." Wilbur looked a bit surprised, "You made stuff for us?" "Yeah, back when we were all stuck inside I took up crocheting, so I made some items off of your stuff." Wilbur's expression changed to being more impressed, "Wow... I'll tell the guys that you'll be there tomorrow, then." It began to drizzle, "I should start heading home now, Will." I began to step away when Will gently grabbed my arm, "Hey, y/n." A bit surprised, I looked at him, "Yeah?" His grip loosened, "Did Tommy say anything to you?" I shook my head, "No, why?" He suddenly became relieved, "No reason, he's just being stupid and childish today, I didn't mean to scare you sorry." I adjusted myself and smiled at him, "No, it's cool. But seriously, I should be heading home now." The rain was starting to become heavier now, I knew I couldn't walk home in this weather. Wilbur must've read my mind or something because he said, "Want me to drive you home? I don't want you to get drenched." I thought for a moment before nodding, "Yes please, if it isn't too much of a bother." Wilbur smiled, "Please, if anything it's more time for us to hang out." Wilbur's smile was honestly the only thing keeping me warm other than my jacket, Wilbur led me to his car and we got in, "Where do you live again?" I took off my beanie and told him my address, we then began heading home.


     Thank god Tommy didn't tell y/n, I wanted to tell her awhile after Lovejoy released the new EP, or at least finished the songs so it would be easier to hang out with her. But still, I was driving her home. The rain was pouring down pretty hard at this point and it was hard to see, but y/n was close to falling asleep in the passenger seat. "Don't fall asleep, y/n, we're almost home." She nodded and pulled out her phone, "It's nearly midnight, I hope this isn't a bother to you." "Y/n, this isn't a bother, I don't want you to get soaking wet and freeze while you walk home." She put her phone away and sat up as I looked for a place to park, "Thank you again, Wilbur." I nodded, "No problem, I'll text you the studio and what time to be there at." She smiled and got out of the car, "Night, Will." She then shut the car door and walked into her apartment, I pulled out my phone and texted Joe.



Hey, I invited someone to band practice tomorrow, want me to bring any snacks?

     I then put my phone away and started driving home.


     Once I was inside and out of the pouring rain, I felt so happy. I was actually going to meet Lovejoy tomorrow and hear them play live! Maybe I could ask Wilbur to teach me how to play guitar better because I definitely need some practice. For tonight though, I'm going to head to bed, I quickly fell asleep and dreamt of the upcoming day.

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