Screaming Child

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"Damn it y/n! Who gave you fire?!" Tommy screamed into the call. I laughed like the little pyromaniac I was as Wilbur shouted back at Tommy, "Just let her have the fire!" We were all playing in the Origins SMP together, Phil was going to join me later since I was going to stream late that night and I wanted to hang out with him more. Tommy was chasing me around as I held my flint and steel and shouted, "Wilbur, stop simping and help me out!" Wilbur chuckled and replied, "Y/n, don't make me take your fire away from you." I laughed and leaned into my mic as I said, "Or what?" We were all streaming so this was technically lore to the SMP which was funny to me, "I'll take your stuff." Wilbur replied, Tommy was basically a chicken, from what I knew Phil was a crow man, Sneeg was a little grimlin, and then Will and I were phantoms. I laughed and then looked at my chat. I read some of the chat quietly to myself when I saw a message that stuck out to me 'Will and y/n would be cute together.'  Will and I still haven't told anyone other then our close friends about us since we didn't know if it was going to work out quite yet. But this message made me laugh a bit and I said, "Will, my chat says that we would be cute together." I heard Wilbur laugh and then also heard Tommy say, "I don't see it." After that we all went back to whatever we were doing.

-Time skip-

I ended my stream and rested against my chair, Wilbur and I haven't properly hung out in a while. He was busy making the new EP for Lovejoy and I had been busy with work. I was about to text Will when there was a knock at my door, I went to open it when the person opened the door themself, it was Wilbur. "Hey, y/n. I was heading to rehearsal and wanted to drop something off." He said as he walked inside, "Oh, what did you need to drop off?" I asked. Wilbur looked at me and said, "Well, I wanted to do something when we were in France but Tommy interrupted us so we couldn't do it." I looked at Will with a puzzled look and replied, "And what would that be?" Wilbur took a step closer to me, he had a faint blush on his face as he gently held my hands. "I was trying to kiss you." He finally said. I felt my face heat up and I looked away for a moment, neither of us knew what to say. I was about to break the silence when Wilbur gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him, "Is this okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and then we kissed. It was a quick one and before I knew it Wilbur had walked out the door smiling like a child. "Wow." I said to myself and then I went to take a shower.

-Another time skip to the following day-

"He did what now?" Niki said over the phone. "He kissed me Niki, anyways I was thinking about visiting Germany soon." I replied, it was nice to hear her voice because she was like the sweetest person I knew, other than Wilbur of course. "You can't just gloss over that y/n, but yeah it would be nice to see you." Niki replied. I got a text from Wilbur and said, "I gotta go, Niki, Wilbur's texting me." And then I hung up the call to see the text. 



Hey, Lovejoy is doing a show tonight, do you want to come?

Even before I met Wilbur I was a big fan of Lovejoy. So of course I said yes, but I wasn't sure how exactly Wilbur was going to get me inside. But I could see the band again and actually get to talk to them on the way there. I picked out a f/C t-shirt, because from what I heard concerts get quite hot, and some jeans. From what Wilbur texted me he was going to come to my place and pick me up before everybody got on the van and headed to the venue, as I was waiting for Will I made a little card for him, I put some chocolates in the card and finished the card just as Wilbur knocked on my front door. I opened it and he picked me up as he said, "Hey! Ready to go?" I nodded and quickly kissed him before I handed him the handmade card, he became flustered and held my hand as we made our way to where the van was being loaded.

Once Ash, Joe, and Mark were all in the van Will and I got in, he finally opened the card and saw the chocolates I got him, "Thanks y/n." He whispered to me, I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. In public we were still a bit worried about someone finding out about us, but I was becoming more used to the idea of people finding out about our relationship, I mean, we've been together for about 4 months at this point. I think we were going to last for a while, the roads were a bit bumpy and I felt Wilbur wrap his arm around me. It was nice but I wasn't expecting it, I definitely wasn't expecting the kiss that followed afterwards. "Sorry, just needed some good luck before the show." Wilbur whispered to me as he chuckled, I was still blushing when the van came to a stop. Wilbur gently grabbed my hand and said, "We're at the venue, love. Would you mind helping me carry some of the equipment in?" "Yeah sure, Will." I replied as I grabbed Wilbur's guitar and got out of the van. "Be careful, y/n. I don't want Will's guitar to be broken right before the show." Mark called out to me, "It'll be fine, Mark!" I replied and wandered into the venue, Wilbur followed me in shortly after and we both looked around, "Wow..." We both said at the same time. I laughed as I said, "Jinx." Wilbur chuckled and replied, "Can't jinx under a roof." I rolled my eyes playfully and then handed Will his guitar. "Could you teach me guitar at some point?" Wilbur carefully took his guitar from me and placed it out of the way, "Hmm... Maybe. With all of the shows now I don't know if I'll have time." I sat down next to Wilbur's guitar, "I think it's time we told people about us, Will." He opened up his guitar case and replied, "What do you mean?" "Like maybe next time you stream I'll be with you and then we tell your chat about us." Wilbur stopped fiddling with his guitar strings and looked at me, "Is that what you want to do?" He asked, "I mean, it would be nice to at least hold your hand on stream or something." I replied, sure we could've done that before but everybody thinks that just because a girl is friends with a guy that she likes him. Wilbur began to mess with one of the amps as Joe was messing around with his guitar, "If that's what you want to do, then I'll try to be ready as well." Wilbur finally replied after awhile. A soft smile formed on my face as I stood up and looked at Wilbur, "Thank you, Will..." I replied. Wilbur nodded his head and the band began to do sound check.

-time skip to after the show-

We were all in the van again, I was so tired and I could tell that Wilbur was going to fall asleep the second his head hit the pillow. It was surprisingly colder than what I thought it was going to be and I began to shiver a bit, "You alright, y/n?" Will asked, I nodded and replied, "Yeah, I just wish I brought a jacket." Wilbur then gently put his arm around me and mumbled, "I'll keep you warm for a minute." His warmth was comforting so I didn't hesitate or fight back to Wilbur's affection. Once the van stopped and all the equipment was removed from it I had walked outside to see that it was pouring rain again. "Wait up, y/n!" Wilbur called out before he came outside. He then gently grabbed me and put his jacket on me, "I don't want you to get cold again." He said, "You're such a worrier, Will." I replied as I laughed. "I just care about you, love" He replied. The sound of the pouring rain reminded me of when I was stuck inside my house and first found Wilbur's content.


It was peak Covid times, I was still in America and social distancing was plastered everywhere, my friends had told me about this Minecraft server called the Dream SMP. I checked it out one day out of pure boredom to find Wilbur Soot, I looked him up on Twitch to see that he was streaming, I followed him and began to also watch his YouTube videos. Two weeks later I was a fan, have been ever since.

-End of flashbacks

"Could I stay with you tonight, y/n?" Wilbur asked, "Your place is closer than mine." He continued. "Of course, I'll even sleep on the couch with you again if you want." I replied, he nodded eagerly and we both made our way back to my apartment. Once we made it inside I looked at Wilbur, "Do you want your jacket back?" I asked, "In the morning, you look cute in it." He replied. I smiled and took my shoes off, "I'm so sleepy..." Wilbur said as he made himself comfortable on the couch. "Where should I sit, Will?" I asked, in response he opened his arms and said, "Just lay in my arms." I did just that and laid in his arms, it was so warm and cozy that I didn't notice Wilbur fall asleep. Even in his sleep he was clinging onto me like he thought I would leave while he slept, I gently rubbed his back and stayed there, it seemed like we both had a fear of the other leaving. While Wilbur was asleep I felt him nuzzle into the top of my head and I slowly started to fall asleep in Wilbur's arms.

I Took It As a Taunt [Wilbur X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now