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I woke up in a cold sweat, my duvet was on the floor and my whole room was freezing. I knew what was happening but I just didn't know why it was. I quickly grabbed my headphones and started playing Lovejoy to calm me down, I sat up and hugged my knees while I focused on the lyrics and the bass.

My anxiety had been bad ever since the whole pandemic had started, Lovejoy was one of the bands that would calm me down when I was having an attack. I remembered that this time around I actually knew Wilbur and texted him.


Hey, could you come over for a bit? I'm having some worries today

While I waited for a response I slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom. I stared at my reflection for a moment before I honestly swore that I saw something behind me. I turned around quickly to see nothing there, I tried to forget about it and stared at my reflection again. But again I swore I saw something in the corner of my eye, I turned around again and actually started to worry. I grabbed my phone again and called Wilbur.

When he picked up he still had his morning voice when he replied, "Hello?" "Wilbur, come over please! I'm scared that someone might be here." I said. Wilbur immediately sounded more awake when he replied, "Okay, calm down. I'll be there soon." He then hung up and I locked myself in the bathroom until I heard him arrive.

I knew I was overwhelmed and overreacting because of it, but still, it felt like someone was actually here. I was afraid of being alone and just prayed that Wilbur wasn't that far. 

Wilbur finally arrive for what felt like hours and called out, "Y/n? Where are you?" I cautiously opened the door and Wilbur quickly walked over to me, "Hey... It's okay." He said before he hugged me, I hugged him back as tight as I could. When Wilbur realized I wasn't going to let go he gently picked me up and carried me over to the sofa and sat down

"Okay, what happened, love?" Wilbur said as he placed me down on the sofa. I then explained all the weird things I saw and the nightmare I had last night to him. "It was just a dream, okay? It'll be okay. How about we go spend the day together again?" He tried to assure me, "Aren't you having lunch with Ash and Joe today though?" I asked, "I'm sure they won't mind to have you with us." He replied while placing his arm around my shoulder.

I thought for a moment before Wilbur interrupted my thoughts, "Please? Joe actually wanted to get to know you a bit better." "Fine." I said with a sigh, "What time is it at?" Wilbur smiled and replied excitedly, "It's at noon, I'll come pick you up." He then quickly kissed me and stood up, "I need to go do some other things for now, go get ready." He said before quickly leaving.

I laughed a little to myself before I got up, Wilbur was honestly the sweetest. I didn't even think that Joe, Mark, or Ash even liked me being around. But honesty I'm glad that Joe wants to get to know me, I guess I should look presentable then. 

Once noon had come around Wilbur came and picked me up. He was dressed in his classic yellow sweater and he was also wearing a black beanie. I followed him out and we made our way to a nearby diner. The place basically looked like five guys if it was the store brand version of it.

When we entered we couldn't find Joe or Ash, "I'm gonna see if they're even here yet." Wilbur said, I nodded and looked around again to see if we just weren't seeing them. While Wilbur texted them I looked around the diner, the booths looked pretty comfy and went really well with the black and white checkered tiles on the plain white wall.

"They're not here just yet, but Joe said we could find a place to sit." Wilbur said after a moment. He then looked at me and I replied, "Do you have a preference?" Wilbur shook his head and said, "Whatever you want is fine." I then picked out a nice booth seat next to a window that had a nice view of the downtown area.

Wilbur and I sat there for probably about 10 minutes until Ash and Joe came into the diner. Wil raised his hand and the two came over, Wilbur moved over and sat down beside me while Ash and Joe sat across from us.

"Nice to see you again, Y/n." Joe said with a smile. "Yeah, sorry we didn't talk much when we first met." Ash said shortly afterwards, (There's a video of him speaking on YouTube somewhere.) "It's fine, Ash. And yeah it's great to see you guys again!" I replied with a smile. Wilbur adjusted the collar of his sweater and asked, "So why'd you guys want to meet up here?" "I mean, we could discuss some tour stuff." Joe suggested. Wilbur was about to reply when I asked, "Could we order some food first? I'm pretty hungry." Wilbur chuckled a bit and replied, "You can if you want, I'll order in a bit." I then got up and went to order.

When I came back Wilbur looked at me and smiled, "Oh hey, what did you get?" He asked, I sat down beside him and replied, "A hamburger and a milkshake." The worker behind the desk looked over at our table and I think she recognized everybody because when they brought my food they excitedly asked for a photo.

Once we were all settled down again Ash asked me, "Do you play any instruments?" I put my burger down and replied, "I can play keyboard pretty well, I'm still learning guitar though." "We should probably order, Joe. I'm starting to get hungry looking at Y/n's burger." Wilbur suggested with a chuckle. Ash and Joe nodded and they all went to order their food. 

While I asked I finished up my food and opened up the godforsaken app called Twitter. A lot of it was some stupid drama but what I was focussing on was all of the Lovejoy fan art. Once the boys came back Wilbur noticed what I was looking at and smiled, "We've got some pretty cool artist fans, right?" He asked, I nodded with a smile and they all began to dig into their food while also talking about the tour details. And I was in on it.

I Took It As a Taunt [Wilbur X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now