Burgers at Midnight

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     Sure enough in twenty minutes Wilbur was at my front door with our food, I smiled when I saw him. "Hey, come in." Wilbur smiled and happily came inside, I moved some boxes out of the way and laughed a bit, "I really need to recycle these boxes." Wilbur placed the bag of food on the kitchen island and hugged me, "I'll help you." I smiled and hugged him back, "Okay." Wilbur squeezed me and then let me go, "I'll go recycle these boxes for you, you just go and pick out something for us to watch." I nodded and smiled happily as I sat down on the couch. Wilbur came back a few minutes later and grabbed the bag of food, "Phil, Tommy, and I are going to be in France for a day soon." I looked at him as he sat down beside me, "Oh really?" Wilbur nodded and handed me a burger, "I was hoping you could come with me." I unwrapped my burger, "I don't know, Wilbur... When is it?" Wilbur looked at his phone, "Um... In a week." "I think I have work, but I'll try to go." I handed the remote to Wilbur and ate my burger, Wilbur quickly found some random show on TV and ate his burger as well. Once we both finished eating I made myself comfortable on the couch, I began to feel cold and looked at Wilbur. "Is it cold in here?" Wilbur shook his head, "No." He then looked at me, "Why? Are you cold?" I nodded and he then moved beside me. "I'll keep you warm." He hugged me and I giggled quietly, "Aww..."

     Bit of a time skip to a week later, you're now in Paris with Will, Tommy, and Phil.

     Paris was never one of the top places I wanted to visit, but I wasn't going to miss an opportunity to meet some of Will's friends. Phil was way nicer in person than I thought he was going to be, most of the walk to the Eiffel Tower was Phil asking me about my life and what I liked, Wilbur and I had snuck off for a moment so we could have a moment to ourselves. It was nice to be with him, he was sweet and caring and just overall an amazing guy. We were walking around and looking through the shop windows when Wilbur stopped me. I looked at him and said, "Need something, Wilbur?" Wilbur placed his hand on my cheek, I could feel my face heating up, Wilbur then whispered, "I want to kiss you." I laughed softly and hugged him, "Okay, okay, but let's move out of the way of these people." Wilbur nodded and the walked us over to a place where a bunch of people were relaxing. He then led me to an area with some beautiful flowers beside the bench. We both sat down on opposite ends of the bench and I smiled. Wilbur put his hand on my cheek again and I looked at him, I never felt so close to someone before, Wilbur leaned in close and I smiled, Wilbur was about to get closer when Tommy found us, "I found the lovebirds, Phil!" I laughed quietly whole Wilbur started blushing, I gently rubbed his cheek so he would calm down, "It'll be okay, Will." I heard him laugh quietly and Phil walked over to us, "There you two are, I was actually starting to get worried, Will lifted his head up and looked at Phil, " I think we could've taken care of ourselves for an hour, Phil." Tommy laughed slightly, "Y/n gets scared when she hears a sound on call, Will." I jokingly hit Tommy's arm, "It could've been a robber, Tommy shut up about that!" Wilbur gently held my hand and Phil had us get up, "Come on, Tommy wants to go up the Eiffel Tower. Wilbur glanced at me and smiled, I squeezed his hand and giggled as I said, " I hope we have a hotel, I might have to be carried from how tired I'm going to be." Wilbur squeezed my hand and looked at me, "I mean, I'd carry you if you wanted me to." Phil looked at Will, "Don't sign up for anything, Will." We all began to make our way to the Eiffel Tower, Will and I didn't really tell anybody about us. Tommy knew because he's the reason why we're even together, and Phil knew because Tommy couldn't keep his mouth shut. There was a moment where Tommy almost let it slip out on stream but Phil luckily talked over Tommy before either of the chats could hear him. As we made our way up higher and higher it began to get a bit more cold, I always was more sensitive to the cold so I was used to it. Wilbur still noticed though because he held my hand again and we reached the top of the tower. Tommy was immediately trying to stick his head through the holes of the tower, Wilbur looked like a disappointed parent and I laughed a little. The view from the tower was beautiful, maybe Will and I could sneak off for a bit again. I thought, Will was messing around with Tommy as I was watching the view, I overheard the argument Tommy was trying to start with Will, "You're such a simp, Will!" I pretended to not hear them but I couldn't hold back a small smile. I then felt Wilbur gently grab me and chuckle, "Save me from this child, y/n." I looked at Tommy and spoke in a motherly tone to him, "Stop fighting boys. Or else no dessert for dinner." Wilbur chuckled and buried his head into the top of my head, Tommy was muttering to himself and Phil was just enjoying the view. I pulled out my phone and opened the camera, Wilbur still had his face buried in my hair and I giggled, "Look at the view, Will." Will then lifted his head up and I took a photo of us, he was a bit surprised but then quickly kissed my cheek. Phil then looked over at us, "Alright, let's go get dinner." We all nodded our heads and then headed to a restaurant, I was blushing the whole way there.

     Once we got to the restaurant I could tell that Wilbur wanted to tell me something, I told everyone that Will and I were going to be outside for a minute and we both went outside. "What's wrong, Will?" I asked, Wilbur looked at me and started fidgeting with his fingers, "I'm just worried that Tommy will slip up and tell someone about us." I smiled and gently ruffled his hair, "It'll be fine, Wilbur. Now let's go eat." We then walked inside and found the table everyone else was sitting at. I was sat between Tommy and Wilbur, so basically I had to be the mother of the two. As I was looking at the menu Will put his hand around mine and I smiled a bit, "Yes?" Will didn't say anything but the warmth of his hand was comforting. Once a waitress came around and we all ordered our food it was just a waiting game, Tommy kept taunting Wilbur and I had to hold back my laughter a lot. Phil and Tommy were actually pretty cool, they were as nice as they were on camera. Tommy kept asking me random questions throughout the day, "Do you know who Los Campesinos is?" I nodded, "Yeah, pretty cool stuff." Tommy looked at Will, "Keep her around." Wilbur then laughed and our food arrived. Once we finished eating I typed the address of the hotel I was staying at into my phone, I wasn't sure if Wilbur had a flight back or if we was staying in a hotel for the night but we all went our separate ways once we left the restaurant. I could tell that Wilbur was trying to get Tommy to leave us alone for a moment, so this was honestly a nice moment to ourselves. "Are you staying at a hotel tonight, y/n?" I nodded my head and put my jacket on, "Yeah. I have the address already." Wilbur looked at me, "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" I thought for a moment and then looked at him, "Only if you want to." "I want to, Tommy's been annoying me all day and I need some time to just relax with you." I laughed a little and gently held Wilbur's hand. "With your jacket on you look like you're in your ARG, Wilbur." He laughed a bit, "You heard about it?" I nodded, "I tried to solve it when it first came out, but I got too frustrated and had to stop." Wilbur chuckled again and looked around the town. After a moment I broke the silence, "we should head to the hotel, Will." Wilbur nodded and I led us to the hotel.

     Wilbur was showering and I was laying on the bed, I didn't think Wilbur was staying in the same hotel as me so I only got a one bed hotel room. I don't think he'll mind it too much though because whenever we were near each other he would try to hold me so I think he preferred this anyway. When Wilbur finally came out of the shower I was scrolling through Twitter on my phone, like any creator I had hate comments and stuff like that. But tonight for some reason I looked at the hate comments for Wilbur, I honestly have no clue what made me want to do this but Wilbur looked over at me and said, "What are you looking at?" I signed and replied, "Twitter." "Ahh..." Wilbur fixed his outfit, (If you saw Jack's improv stream with Tommy and Wilbur he's wearing that jacket) and then sat down beside me. For how late it was and how early I knew we were going to have to get up I surprisingly wasn't that tired. Wilbur on the other hand was a few seconds away from falling asleep, "Hey y/n?" Wilbur asked, I replied, "Yes?" "Where do you want me to sleep tonight?" "Wherever you want, Will. But I'm sleeping on the bed." Wilbur glanced at me, "But what if I want the bed?" I smiled, "Then we'll have to share." Wilbur then laughed and laid down on one side of the bed, "I pick the bed then." I rolled my eyes a bit and laid down on the other side of the bed, "Goodnight, Will." "Night." we both then fell asleep quickly.

I Took It As a Taunt [Wilbur X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now