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Wilbur and I planned on doing a little date for months now, but every time we planned for one either Wil was busy or if he wasn't then I was. But tonight we were actually going to do a date, a real one.

For my stream today it was a cosplay stream, where basically I put on my outfit and acted out some stuff for a bit. Usually I had chat decide which character I would dress up as and today chat decided on me dressing as L'Manberg Wilbur. Once I had put my outfit on I walked into camera frame and said, "My L'Manberg, Phil!"

I laughed a bit at myself and then continued, "Wilbur is probably watching right now." I look towards my chat to see that my suspicions were conformed. I then started acting what what chat wanted me to do.

A while into the stream I noticed that Phil came into my chat, "Oh, hello Phil." I said as I grabbed a crow plushie I got just before moving to England. The plushie had Phil's signature bucket hat on it and a hardcore heart. "You can call me on discord if you want Phil." I continued. A few minutes later I was in a call with Phil and he started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked. "You're dressed as Wil, Y/n." Phil said, honestly I had forgotten just because my brain was all over the place. "Oh yeah, I'll go change real quick, I have a date tonight anyway." I replied and quickly ran to my closet. Wilbur kept leaving his pink jacket here so I was going to wear that to our date. I came back a moment later in a white crew neck, black leggings, and Wilbur's pink jacket.

"Is that Wil's jacket?" Phil asked, "Yeah, he left at my place about a month or two ago." I replied as I sat down and adjusted my setup. "Oh yeah, congrats by the way." Phil continued, "Thanks, Phil. Also happy belated birthday." I replied, "Thanks, mate." "No problem."

Phil and I just chatted for a bit while I streamed, I didn't notice how much time had past until there was a knock at my front door. "Shit, sorry chat I gotta go now." I said before I quickly ended the stream and hung up the call. I ran over to the front door and opened it to see Wilbur standing there. He was wearing an orange button up shirt matched with a green jacket and black leggings.

"Hey, Wil." I said with a smile. He smiled back and kissed me, "Hey." He replied after he pulled away. I closed the door behind me and locked it after I had grabbed my bag and we made our way to our destination.

The plan was for us to go to a nearby carnival that was going on and ride some rides. We were debating over which rides we should do while Wilbur drove, "I'm telling you, Wil, bumper cars are way more fun." I stated, Wilbur chuckled and replied, "No way, the carousel is way better." "Listen, all I'm saying is that you can ram into random people in a tiny car." I continued, Wilbur chuckled again and looked at me when we were stopped at a stop light.

The glow of the bright red light made half of his face basically glow in the darkness of the night, there was a bit of tension between us that I couldn't really describe other than it being way stronger than the normal romantic tension was. After a while Wilbur parked the car and we both got out.

Wil then locked the car and held my hand as we walked to the ticket booth. "Two all day tickets please." He said to the worker. The worker seemed a bit amazed to see Wilbur and quickly stuttered out, "O-okay. Here you guys go." They then handed us the tickets once Wilbur had paid and we made our way into the carnival.

There were a lot more rides than I thought there were going to be, even Wilbur seemed a bit impressed with the amount of rides. There were the normal rides you'd see at nearly every traveling carnival and some cool games that were almost always rigged but still fun to play.

Wil glanced over at me and asked, "Alright, what are we doing first, love?" I thought for a moment and replied, "The games!" Wilbur chuckled a bit and grabbed my hand before tugging me along to the games.

We both walked up to the ring toss booth and Wilbur paid for the game. He went up first and managed to get one of the bigger prizes, he picked out a large axolotl plush. Wilbur turned to me and grinned widely and he kissed my cheek. "Come on, let's go ride some rides." He suggested, I laughed a bit and then ran to the bumper cars

I got in line and a winded Wilbur followed shortly behind, "Why'd you run?" He asked breathlessly. With a giggle I replied, "Because bumper cars are the best." Wilbur then gently punched my arm and looked at me, "Wait a minute, isn't that my jacket?" He asked, "Yeah, I kept trying to give it back to you but you didn't hear me." I replied. The line started moving but we didn't make it on to the next wave of riders.

While we waited again Wilbur placed his arm around me, I blushed a bit and glanced at him, "It's getting cold." Wilbur said. I the relaxed and watched the bumper cars zoom by.

Finally we got on and I took the closest bumper car to me. Wilbur gave me a glance once he was in and then grinned mischievously, I knew that he has a plan and my guess was that he was going to keep running into my car. Sure enough Wilbur did just that, he repeatedly ran into my car and I kept getting him back.

Once he worker made the cars slow down we all got off, Wilbur placed his arm around me again and asked, "Where to now, love?" I kissed his cheek and replied, "Wherever you want." Wilbur got a little flustered but quickly guided me to the carousel.

While we were waiting in line again Wilbur got recognized by a group of girls. "Are you Wilbur Soot?" One of the girls asked, she appeared to be 15 or 16, Wilbur nodded and then the group of girls excitedly asked for a photo. Of course Wilbur said yes and I took the photo for the girls, "Thank you!" They said before walking away squealing.

I gently hugged Wilbur's side and smiled, Wilbur patted my back and then the line started moving. Wilbur and I got on a statue beside each other and waited foe the ride to start. Once it did I held on to the pole, Wilbur chuckled at this and put his hand on my back. The statues were close to each other and when I felt Wilbur's hand on my back I instantly felt a bit safer.

While the ride was going Wil was rubbing my back slightly, I glanced at him and we both laughed. Soon afterwards we got off the ride.

We then rode just about every ride that always at the carnival other than the toddler rides and we played about every game there. Once closing time came around Wilbur and I got back in his car and relaxed.

"That was fun." I said, Wilbur nodded and replied, "Want to go get some ice cream or something?" "Of course." Wilbur then shifted the gear and drove to a nearby ice cream shop.

We got out of the car and walked inside, it was the same one Tubbo and I had been at a few months ago, once again the waft of fresh waffle cones hit my nose once we walked inside. We both walked up to the counter and Wilbur ordered for me, we both then sat down and enjoyed our delicious desserts.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight, Wil." I said, Wilbur smiled at me and replied, "No problem, you deserve it." I laughed a little and finished my ice cream, Wilbur did the same and we made our way back to the car. "Well now it's really cold." I said with a giggle while I buckled up. Wilbur buckled up and turned the car on, "Want me to get you my jacket or something?" He asked, "I'll be fine." I replied. He then shifted gears and drove me home.

Once we had kissed goodbye I walked into my apartment, my brain was so scrambled at this point because I was both so tire nd happy at the same time. All I knew was that I was tired so I headed to my room and practically fell onto my bed before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

I Took It As a Taunt [Wilbur X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now