Model Buses

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     Tommy grinned like a toddler who just got some candy from his mom, "Don't tell Wilbur that I told you, but I think he likes you y/n." I looked at Tommy and sighed, "I know, Tommy. I think I like Wilbur back, I just don't know how to tell him." Tommy looked behind me and I felt another pair of eyes looking at me, I tilted my head up to Wilbur standing there with a huge smile on his face. "You like me?" I laughed a little, "Maybe..." Wilbur smiled and hugged me, probably as tight as he could. "I'm glad you do... I wanted to tell you once the new song was out. But this is better." Tommy made a diagusted face and Wilbur jokingly hit his arm, I then hugged Wilbur back and smiled. "I'm still sleeping on the couch tonight though, Wilbur." Wilbur kept hugging me and buried his face into my shoulder, he then whispered softly into my ear, "I know... But I'm so happy right now." I smiled lightly and rubbed his back, "I'm going to watch a movie on my phone for a bit, thank you for the blankets." Wilbur smiled and whispered, "I'll watch it with you." Tommy made a disgusted face again and said, "I'll go now." I laughed a little and put some blankets on the couch, Wilbur was smiling like a kid in a candy store, I began to make myself comfortable on the couch and pulled out my phone when Wilbur sat beside me and smiled a bit, "What movie are you going to watch?" I leaned back against the couch, "Hmm... I don't know. Probably some nature documentary so I can fall asleep." "You need to experience British nature documentaries." I laughed a little and then started a random nature documentary on my phone. A while into the film I started to get sleepy when I suddenly felt an arm wrap around my shoulder, I blushed softly and looked at Wilbur, he quickly said, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I smiled softly and went back to watching the film, feeling Wilbur's arm around my shoulders the whole time. I began to feel my eyelids get heavy and before I knew it I was fast asleep.


     I still can't believe that y/n actually liked me back, I'm still mad at Tommy for telling her before CMWYL was released, but it was worth it for now. I noticed y/n start to drift off so I carefully held her phone for her and shortly afterwards her head was resting on my shoulder, I felt my face heat up a bit and I didn't move, I didn't want to wake her. Tommy came into the room loudly and I glared at him a bit, "Shh! She's asleep." Tommy chuckled quietly, "You're such a simp, Will." I was about to throw a pillow at him when y/n snuggled into me a bit, Tommy laughed quietly and looked at me, "Fine, I'll go to sleep now." He then went to go lay down on his mattress and left y/n and me alone. I looked down at her, she looked so peaceful while she slept, her face was beginning to bury into my chest so I adjusted ourselves carefully so I wouldn't disturb her. I rubbed her back lightly so she would get comfortable, she felt so warm, I then carefully grabbed a blanket and placed it over her. Soon I began to feel exhausted and closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep afterwards.



     I woke up in the morning to feel someone's arms around me, I was about to panic when I felt the person squeeze me, I looked up to see Wilbur, who was still asleep. I blushed as I remembered what happened last night and then carefully sat up, Wilbur quickly and carefully pulled back back down onto his chest, I laughed quietly and unlocked my phone, there was a text from Niki.



Hey! Tommy told me about you and Wilbur, is it true?

     I quietly took a photo of Wilbur and me and sent it to Niki.


Yep, he's very snuggly real quickly. Probably going to keep it a secret for a while just because of his popularity.

     Shortly afterwards Wilbur began to stir, I felt his face nuzzle into the top of my head and I giggled a bit, "Morning, Wilbur." He smiled and squeezed me, "Morning..." I was a bit shocked at his morning voice, "Hungover?" He nodded, "I'll go get you some medicine." Wilbur gently rubbed my back, "Don't get up just yet please... You're warm." I smiled up at Wilbur, "Come on, I'll walk to the pharmacy with you." Will then nodded and got up slowly, we both put our jackets on and then headed to the pharmacy, Wilbur glanced at me while we walked, "Can I... Hold your hand?" I smiled and nodded, "Of course." I then felt Wilbur's hand go around mine and a warm feeling spreaded through my body. We walked into the pharmacy and I went to the pain relief aisle, Wilbur was still holding my hand and I glanced at him. "You pick the medicine, Will. I'm going to go find some candy or something." Wilbur nodded and I went off to go find some candy. I heard some girls talking to themselves and looking at Wilbur repeatedly, my guess was that they recognized him and wanted to take a photo of him. I ignored the two girls and looked at the selection of candies, I felt Wilbur gently put his arms around me from behind and my face heated up, my voice cracked slightly, "W-Wilbur what are you doing?" He chuckled quietly and let go of me, "You looked cold..." I laughed a bit and picked out some fruit gummies, "I think those girls recognized you, Will." He nodded, "Yeah, they wanted a photo so I did that quickly." "Let's go check out so you can rest." We walked to the check out lane and I paid for the items, on the walk home Wilbur looked at his phone and then said, "I need to stream tonight." I looked at him, "We should probably keep us a secret for now, just because of how popular you are on the internet." He nodded, "Probably a good idea. But could you be on a call with me tonight? I don't want to have to deal with Tommy screaming in my ears again." I laughed and nodded, "Sure, but I have work so I don't get off until 6." "When do you have to leave for work?" I looked at my phone, "In an hour." Wilbur gently put his hand around mine, "Let's head home then so you can get ready." We then walked home and I got ready for work.


     I was sitting behind the counter at work, watching the older people that would look at the vinyls or the old TVs that were sold here. My phone was getting some notifications but I couldn't look at it because the shop was surprisingly busy today, when there finally was a small break from the people coming in and out I looked at the texts I got from Wilbur.



Hey, don't forget about the stream tonight.

     Shit. I quickly looked at the clock to see that it was only 5:30, I got off of work around 6 and I walked home. My apartment was a complete mess but luckily I wouldn't be on camera tonight, I sat at my desk and opened discord just before Wilbur called me. "Hey, y/n." I fixed my set-up quickly, "Hey, Will." "Eat yet?" "No, just got home from work." Wilbur leaned in close to his mic, "Eat, love." I laughed quietly, "There's practically no food in my apartment, Will." "I'll get you something after the stream." I sat up in my chair and fixed my microphone, "You don't have to, Will." "Just let me do something nice for you..." Wilbur was still leaning in close to his mic and I smiled, "Okay, okay... I'm going to go find something to eat quickly." I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a box of crackers and sat back down at my desk, "Sorry I had to mute because I started the stream." " No, it's cool, Wilbur." We then played some Stardew Valley together.



     "Seriously, Will quit hitting me with your axe!" Y/n and I both laughed, "I swear it's an accident, y/n!" I quickly defended myself. I hadn't played Stardew Valley in months so I was mainly trusting y/n for this stream, she was secretly messaging me on discord occasionally as well.

I'm so hungry :(

     I had to hide my laughter so chat wouldn't become suspicious of us. I quickly typed back,

I promise I will get the best food Brighton has to offer you, dear.

     Y/n didn't have her camera on but I was guessing that she was smiling, at least I hope she was. After about nearly three hours I could tell that y/n was getting tired and I still needed to get her food so I decided to end the stream. "Okay chat, I think it's time to end the stream. You've all been lovely, stay safe." Y/n quickly dropped into the conversation, "Bye, chat! Loved you all!" Once I was certain that I ended stream I moved my mic closer to my face, "Alright, what kind of food do you want?" I could hear y/n laugh a bit, "Oh, you were serious about that, Will?" "Of course I am. Now what do you want?" There was some silence on y/n's end but eventually she responded, "Some burgers please." "With drinks?" I opened up the notes app on my phone I got everything right, "Non alcoholic please, Will." I chuckled a bif, "You're no fun." "Don't want to have you hungover again, Wilbur." "I'll be at your place in twenty minutes." "Okay, love you." I smiled a bit, "Love you too." I then hung up and quickly left before the restaurant closed.

I Took It As a Taunt [Wilbur X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now