Jubilee Line

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Wilbur and I hadn't talked for a few days, he kept saying he was busy but when I asked around everybody said that he was feeling down. I was beginning to get worried so I headed to the store to get him some things that I thought would cheer him up. I grabbed one of those small paper bags that people usually use for birthday gifts, some chocolates, and gift card for some online store, once I left the store I ran home and quickly put the gift together and called up Wilbur. A sad sounding Wilbur answered, "Hello?" "Hey, Will, it's me." I replied, his voice sounded a little bit happier, "Oh, hey, love. Need something?" "I have a gift for you, can I come over to your place?" There was a small pause before Wilbur responded, "Umm... Sure." "Okay, I'll be there in an hour, love." I replied before hanging up, I really hope that he's okay. Maybe he's just sad because of how rainy it's been for a few days now. I grabbed the gift and made my way to Wilbur's place.

Once I got there I knocked on the door, there was a bit of rustling around before Wilbur opened up the door, he looked a bit rough, I could tell that he had been wearing the same clothes for a few days now. "Hey..." I said, hoping that seeing me would made him a bit happier, "Hey, come on in." Wilbur replied. I came inside and hugged him, he hugged me back tightly, something was definitely up. 

Wilbur buried his face into my shoulder and wouldn't let me go, "I got you some gifts, Wilbur. Everybody said you were feeling down so I hope these will make you feel better." I said softly in Wilbur's ear. He lifted his head up and looked at me, "Oh, let's go sit on the couch then." He replied and gently dragged me over to the couch. we both sat down and he gently had me lay against him, 

"So... What are these gifts?" Wilbur asked, he seemed a bit happier than he did on the phone, "Oh, it's in the bag. Here." I responded as I handed Wilbur the bag. He opened it and examined all of the gifts, "Thank you, y/n. I needed this." Wilbur finally said after a moment. Before I could respond Wilbur gently began to cuddle me, "What's wrong, Wilbur?" I asked finally, his grip became a bit tighter as he quietly whispered, "I'm just really stressed, I'll be okay though, love." He replied as he began to gently play with my hair, I knew he didn't want to say anything else but I just wanted to make sure he was okay. "Please just tell me, Wilbur... I'm just worried about you." I said, Wilbur didn't respond but just tightened his grip. After a while I sighed and cuddled into him, "Okay, you don't have to tell me." I said, we both just stayed in that position for about half an hour before Wilbur's phone went off and he went to go answer the it.

While Wilbur was answering the call I sat on the couch and looked around, I noticed that Tommy left some of his stuff here, I pulled out my phone to tell Tommy when Wilbur came back. 

"Sorry, Tommy was asking if I could do another vlog with him." Wilbur said, I looked at him and replied, "Oh, what's the vlog going to be?" Wilbur shrugged, "He wouldn't tell me, but he wants you to be in the vlog too." Wilbur then sat down beside me and kissed my cheek, a sudden warmth surrounded my body and I smiled. "I mean... I'll do the vlog if you'll do it." I said. And with that Wilbur nodded and then texted someone who I assumed to be Tommy. 

There was a comfortable silence afterwards until Wilbur suddenly said, "Did you actually want to publicly say that we're together?" I looked at him and examined his face before replying, "Well, yeah. We've been together for nearly five months now. I think it's safe to say that we'll be together for a while."  Wilbur responded with a sigh and said, "I think I'm going to do a drunk stream tonight, could you be in it with me so someone can stop me from doing something too stupid?" A small laugh escaped my lips and I replied, "Okay, but you're not getting that drunk." Wilbur nodded and stood up, "I'm going to head to the store then, you can stay here if you want." I stood up after him and hugged him, "No, I'll come with you, Will." I replied. He hugged me back and we made our way to the shops.

Wilbur was recognized twice just on our way to the shop, I would just awkwardly get of the the frame of the photo whenever they wanted one because I didn't want to draw attention to myself. Once we finally made it to the shop Wilbur quickly made his way to the wine, I was following close behind him, "Do you still get phased when people just come up to you and ask for a photo, Will?" I asked. "I'm kinda used to it at this point, it's still strange though." He replied while he examined the selection of wine the shop had,  he was wearing a nice sweater and a red beanie, (The sweater is the one from the Call Me What You Like video if you've seen it already.) 

Our outfits were unintentionally the opposite of each other, I was wearing a more cool colored themed sweater and a blue beanie. Once Wilbur grabbed his wine we both headed over to the bakery section. My nose was immediately filled with the cozy smell of freshly baked bread and cookies, it reminded me of when I was younger and I visited my friends house. Her mom ran a bakery so I always got to taste test new foods whenever I came over. 

"You okay, love?" Wilbur asked, I quickly snapped back to reality and replied, "Yeah sorry, the cookies just smell so good..." I partially lied, I don't know why I did but oh well. Wilbur smiled a bit and glanced over at the desserts, there were some cookies that were obviously fresh, the chocolate chips were still melting in the chocolate chip cookies. There was also some cakes, but the thing that caught my eye was a double chocolate cake, Wilbur noticed and grabbed the cake.

"How about we have this for dessert tonight?" He asked, it was like he could read my mind. I nodded and hugged him, "Yes please." I said, he ruffled my hair and had me hold the cake. We finally checked out our items and made our way to where Wilbur streamed

Wilbur held the door open for me and we both made our way to his desk, "Be careful with the green screen, y/n." Wilbur said, he was basically streaming in the basement of his flat complex. "Where can I get a chair for myself, Will?" I asked, Wilbur looked at me and replied, "I'll go get one for you, don't eat the cake." He then went off to go find a chair for me.

Once we both had a chair we got comfortable and Wilbur looked at me, "Are you sure you want me to officially say that we're together?" He asked, I nodded and kissed him before saying, "Yes." He kissed me back and then started his stream. I had a cheeky smile on my face the whole time.

I Took It As a Taunt [Wilbur X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now