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Most of lunch that day was the boys talking about the tour details and what songs they should play. Every once in a while Wilbur would look over at me to see if I wanted to say anything, I honestly didn't understand what they were saying so I stayed pretty quiet.  "Alright, I should probably head out guys. Nice to see you, Y/n." Ash said as he stood up. "Yeah, nice to see you too, Ash. Hope we can chat again." I replied as he walked away. Joe looked at the time and said, "I should actually get going too, great talking to you guys." Wil and I both waved and watch Joe leave the diner.

"Alright, so what do you want to do now?" Wil asked while he finished what was left of his milkshake. "I mean, Tommy might be up for something." I replied, Wilbur chuckled a bit before replying, "I need a break from his screaming." I laughed a little and said, "Fair point. Maybe we could go bowling or something." Wilbur nodded excitedly and took my hand, "Come on." He said before tugging me along.

Once we arrived at the bowling alley I looked around to see a whole range of people, there were the average bowlers who were there because there was a party, the family with the toddler chucking the ball at the pins, and then the drunks. Wilbur gently tugged me over to the counter where we got a lane for an hour and got our bowling shoes. Wilbur and I started chatting about who would win the game, "I'm gonna win." I said, "No way, did you not see me bowl in Fundy's video?" Wilbur replied. I quickly got my bowling shoes on and grabbed a ball, it looked pretty average and had a (f/c) tie dye look on it.

Wilbur got his shoes on and grabbed his bowling ball. Afterwards I started the game and did my turn, I got 8 pins. "Hah! Beat that, Wil!" I exclaimed, Wilbur chuckled and then did his turn, he got 7 pins. The game continued and after our ten turns the winner was announced. "Told you I'd beat you." Wilbur said. I pretended to pout and Wilbur chuckled, "Aww... Maybe you just need some rest." He taunted, I laughed a bit and gently hit his arm, "Shut up!" I teased. He then ruffled my hair and went to put our bowling balls back.

We both then quickly put our regular shoes back on and returned the bowling shoes to the front desk. Afterwards we headed outside and took a breath of the cold English air. "What was it like back where you came from?" Wilbur asked while we walked back to my place, "It was okay, the school system kind of sucked but other than that it was okay." I replied, my feet had been kicking a small pebble repeatedly while we walked which created a very solid beat.

"You know, I've actually watched a bit of your content before we met." Wil said after small moment of silence, I looked up at him and asked, "Like, by yourself? Or did someone recommend my content to you?" He chuckled a bit at my sudden excitement and replied, "Well, Tommy said that he watched your stuff and that you reminded him a lot of me. I didn't believe him so I started watching your content..." "And?" I questioned, "And... I actually liked it a lot. I didn't tell him that though." Wilbur said with a chuckle.

"You two really are like brothers." I stated. Wilbur chuckled again and replied, "Everybody says that." I was about to reply when I got a notification on my phone, I looked at it to see Tommy discording me. "Tommy wants me to call him, Wil." I said, Wilbur groaned and replied, "What does he want?" I laughed a little and quickly called Tommy on my phone, "Hey Tom! I'm out currently." I said, an excited Tommy taunted, "You're finally not with Wilbur!" Wilbur rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah no, I'm here Tommy." I laughed a little and asked, "What do you need Tommy?" 

"I need a favor from you." Tommy replied, Wilbur and I both gave each other a suspicious glance, "What's the favor?" I asked. "Could you buy me some alcohol?" Tommy asked. I glanced over at Wilbur again and asked, "Why?" "Don't ask questions!" Tommy exclaimed, he then cleared his throat and continued, "You know I'm 18 right, Y/n?" There was an awkward silence before I replied, "Honestly forgot about that." Tommy laughed a bit and Wilbur tried to hold back his laughter as well.

"Text me what you want, Tom." Wilbur said. "Alright, thank you, big man!" Tommy said before hanging up. "Well that wad strange." I said after a moment. Wilbur nodded in response and then gently placed his arm around me. I felt a single raindrop fall on my nose, then another one, raindrops then began to sprinkle from the sky. The light gray clouds made everything look slightly darker and depressing. "Come on, let's go get Tommy his alcohol." Wilbur said as he began to walk, I followed shortly behind him.

We walked into a nearby shop and quickly looked around, Wilbur went to go search for Tommy's alcohol while I stayed behind and looked for a gift for Wilbur, he seemed stressed lately because of the touring so I wanted to get him something to help him out. I looked around at all of the candies to see if anything stuck out to me. Everything on the shelves were mainly gummies, I wanted to get Wil some chocolates, although the gummy sharks did look tasty. Once I reached the chocolates I grabbed one of those variety pack things with all of the different types of chocolate, I then quickly headed over to where Wilbur was and kissed his cheek.

He got a bit flustered and smiled at me, "I can't find what Tommy wants." He said, "What did he want?" I asked, "Some sort of beer that doesn't appear to exist." he replied, "Did Tommy just seriously prank us?" I asked, Wilbur sighed and replied, "Seems like it." He saw the chocolates I was holding and asked, "What's with the chocolates?" "Oh, they're for you, I know how stressed you've been so I wanted to get you something." I said with a smile. Wilbur smiled back and then quickly kissed me, "Come on, let's go get these chocolates." He said as he gently tugged me along to the checkout. I followed happily and shortly afterwards we headed back to my place.

I Took It As a Taunt [Wilbur X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now