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I am really nervous because reflecting back on that day, Magnus has not really mentioned what happened. I keep wondering if he is completely freaked out.  I can't really read his emotions as the worry of the situation has left me unfocused.

Alpha Paden must have noticed as I barely escaped one of his attacks.  "Finis what in the world is going on with you?  You have lost almost all of your focus.  You know what, practice is over.  Go take care of whatever my son did before you come back here to me to train!", he says with a smile on his face.

I take a deep breath as I apologize to my alpha as I leave in a flurry of embarrassment.  I need to talk to Magnus and figure out what is going on in his head.  I really don't have the patience to go looking for him so I close my eyes, point my face up towards the sky and take a deep, calming breath and then, I let go, opening myself up to the natural elements that make up this world, air, earth, fire, water.  Then I go further inside of myself and suddenly feel the power that fuels all life forces.  I can feel them inside of myself like burning beacons of light and begin to search.  Finally I focus on the one glowing brighter than all of the others and I know instinctively that this one burns bright just for me.  My MATE!

I focus completely on this beacon and the next thing I know, BAM, right in front of Magnus!  I hear a shriek come from him and then I just cannot help myself, I begin to laugh.  "I know that you are not laughing at me baby.  I know you would never make fun of me would you baby?", he says to me in this really husky and sexy voice as he saunters over to me.  The next thing I know, I am being engulfed in his big, bulky arms and he squeezes me and begins to try and take little bites from the side of my neck.

I am now embarrassingly giggling like a little girl.  I should just set his ass on fire.  That will teach him.  Once we both finally calm down, while still in his arms I look up into his eyes and say, "So um... you aren't mad at me anymore?"  "What in the world made you think I was mad at you baby?", he asks with this incredulous look on his face.

I rub my face into his chest and take a deep breath of his essence in and it just calms me completely.  "We have not talked about what happened the other night and it just felt like you were avoiding the subject by avoiding me." "Awe baby, I don't think my wolf is capable of allowing me to avoid you.  Not now that it knows you are our mate.  I have just been trying to understand what happened.  It was huge and sometimes your power scares me but I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you would never hurt me.  I am just trying to take it all in.  I am so sorry if I made you feel like I was avoiding you."

I am hearing everything he is saying but it is so hard to concentrate because those same big arms that were around me are now rubbing me up and down most of my upper body.  Oh my Goddess but his very being sets me on fire.  I can feel the beginnings of my body's response to him and my breathing is started to become more labored.  Then I feel it, his desire, his deep rooted hunger for me, his unconditional love and devotion for me and it all completely takes my breath away.  

It becomes so overwhelming that I begin to start having problems catching my breath.  Before I know it, I am gasping laboriously and I can barely hear Magnus yelling out to me desperately to breath.  I can suddenly feel his fear of losing me so I try with all of my might to calm down.  I want him to know that I am okay.  Then I feel his lips barely graze mine and everything just stops.

It is almost as if time is standing still.  There is not a single sound being made.  Magnus looks down at me and then looks up and around us and I follow his gaze and am completely caught off guard.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought I would have this kind of power.  I have to wonder if this is something that we have both done together because he and I are the only ones moving.

I take it all in.  The birds are in the sky in mid flight frozen.  The clouds have stopped moving.  The trees have stopped swaying.  I can see into the forest where there are animals frozen in place whether they were running or just walking.  Magnus lets go of me and looks over at me, "What the hell just happened?  What the hell was that?", he asks as he points between the both of us.

"You felt that?"  "Baby, before we try to figure out what is going on I need to know why you almost stopped breathing?", he asks as he comes towards me and brings his hand up to my lips.  He takes his thumb and gently rubs it across the bottom of my lip and like the feeling of having your ear popping, suddenly the world comes back to life.  

I am pretty sure we both gasp as we look around and see the activity around us.  We look back over at each other and I know I have to tell him what I felt.  "I want to get away from here Mag.  You dad is not at my haven.  Can we go there?  I would feel better talking if we were there."  "Ofcourse baby.  Anything for you.  Lets go okay."


We both arrive at my safe haven and shift into our human forms.  I continue to keep us cloaked because I just do not want anyone to be able to find us for now.  I quickly send a message to Alpha Paden via the mindlink that I am cloaking the both of us so he does not worry and then I brace myself for the conversation I seem to need to have with Magnus.

I feel his presence come near me but I put my hand up to stop him.  I sit down Indian style with my back to the water.  Magnus approaches and sits in front of me and says, "Baby, I need you to talk to me because you are scaring me."

"I just don't know how to put into words how it happens and what it means to me.  I don't want you to think badly of me so I hope that I can explain it right."  He gives me this cautious and confused look but I proceed.  "From the day of our birthday, this feeling of being drawn to you became so intensified.  We now know that it has to do with being mates.  However, when we are together in the most intimate of ways, I think I open myself up to you and I proceed to feel not just what I am feeling for but what you are feeling for me."

He still has this confused look on his face so I continue.  "In order for me to find you, I naturally opened myself up in a way I never have before. I searched for you through all of the elements and opened myself even more taking in all of this immense power to find your essence and when I found you we sort of lost ourselves in each other and I felt it."

"What? What did you feel baby?" "You! All of you to your very core and at the center of it all I found the source of your complete and total love and devotion to me and it literally took my breath away. As to the other thing, I don't know but I do have a theory." "What is that? he asks. "Well I think we did it together."

"That is not possible Fin. I don't have power like you do." "But you are an alpha and that in itself is powerful magic but because you are MY mate, I believe you may have shared some of my magic." He looks at me skeptically but his doubts are small so I finally realize something that I need to share with him.

"I will tell you this babe, I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are my True Mate!"

FINIS (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now