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It is close to midnight so I begin to make my way back home. I feel as though I received two amazing gifts today. One, ofcourse, is my mother's locket. Second is the precious time I got to spend alone with Magnus. He remembered my birthday and I felt touched by his wish to remain by my side instead of being at his big party to celebrate our special day.

In this moment I feel more blessed than I have in a long time. As I approach my home, I hear a crunching noise much closer than I realized. Thoughts of Magnus must have distracted me from concentrating on my surroundings.

I turn around and I am so startled that I stumble back against the tree that grows right next to my house. His wolf approaches me in a predatory like manner. I feel like his prey and it surprises me how exited my body becomes.

His glowing reddish eyes full of hunger, desire, lust, possession are the only things you can really see on this dark night as his midnight black fur blends into the night. He is panting hard as I now find myself to be doing and it confuses me but also arouses me.

I want him so bad that every part of me cries out for him. He is but a hairs breath away from my face. His wolf is so large that he and I are the same height in my human form. I can feel his hot breath upon my cheek.

Then he moves his snout closer to my neck and takes a deep whiff and clear as day I hear him proclaim through his mind link, "MINE!" My heart is racing frantically as I can almost feel him rub his fur against my skin then...

I jump out of my bed and slam against my bedroom wall. I am panting so hard and I am drenched in my sweat and what looks like semen. Did I just have a wet dream about Magnus' wolf? This is insane.

I barely remember making it home last night and even though it is morning, it is still quite early as once I glance over at my clock it reads 4:15am.

Then pure fear takes over my emotions as I stare into the mirror next to my clock and see a shocking set of red eyes staring right back at me. I walk towards them and realize they are mine. I pick up the mirror, close my eyes and concentrate on calming myself and after a few moments, I open my eyes and they are back to normal.

What the hell does this mean? Is the question running through my head.


Later on in the day, after running some errands for my Nan, I found myself unable to resist the pull to be at my hideout. I felt so disturbed by what happened this morning and I feel so out of sorts that I just needed to get away. Also these non-stop, uncontrollable thoughts I keep having about Magnus have really kept me out of focus. Feeling the wind in my fur helps alleviate some of my tension and just as I reach my haven and am about to shift, Magnus comes out of nowhere in all his naked maleness and gasps in shock at seeing me.

"Oh my God!", he states loudly as he slowly and carefully walks towards me. I know that he is trying to distinguish who I am by smell but I have masked it. I want to run and believe me, my mind is yelling at me to go but I want to see his reaction to my wolf so I stay very still. As he comes closer he reaches out his hand but I take a step back and then he just stops. He then gets on his knees in front of me and places his hands on his knees. He is trying to show me that he is not a threat to me.

He looks directly into my eyes and says, "You are the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen. Are you Finis' friend? Is that why he comes here all the time? Oh, how lucky he is to have a friend like you." I take one step closer to him and lay down in front of him to show him that I know he is not a threat to me. I know that he wants to run his fingers through my fur. I can feel the desire coming off of him. He actually has his hands fisted in front of him on his knees in an apparent attempt not to scare me away.

"I have never seen a white wolf. I don't think that anyone ever has. But know this, your secret is safe with me. I will never reveal your presence to anyone. I don't think I could share your existence with anyone other than Finis, that is if he knows about you. Can you even understand me? I know that you are not a regular wolf but I just can't tell what kind of shifter you are. It is also okay if you don't want to shift in front of me. Have you ever shifted for Finis?" Then he smacks himself on the forehead as I hear him mumble to himself, "I'm a rambling idiot!"

I laugh, ofcourse, but he looks up at me again as he must have heard the noise coming from me. "Oh you think that's funny huh. Yeah, I guess you're right.", he laughs out a little. "I would love to run with you. If I shift will you run away? I hope not." Then, in the blink of an eye, Magnus changes into his resplendent black wolf which is literally two of me.

I quickly come back up on my paws and I can hear him through the mind link, "Please, run with me? I will make sure no one sees us. Do you trust me?" I look into his reds eyes and I nod my head in affirmation. I walk over to the pond to quickly get a drink before we go and I notice that my eyes are as red as his. What must he think of me.

I look back at him, anticipating running with someone other than myself, for the very first time. I feel him mask his scent even though I can still smell him. I watch him take off and quickly follow after him ready to show him just what I am made of!

FINIS (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now