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"Fin, hey, hey baby look at me.", Magnus is saying to me while sitting up and grabbing my face in both of his hands.  I think I am having a panic attack of some sort because I cannot seem to catch my breath as the reality of the situation sinks in.

I am so terrified.  I mean I thought of being intimate with Magnus in the comfort and solace of my secret cave and ZAP, where there.  Really!  Then I feel his tender lips nibble on mine and my breathing begins to even out as all of my attention is on this beatiful creature underneath me.  He centers me and I finally feel myself begin to relax.

"Better?", he asks as he smiles down at me and I look up into his eyes and see unconditional love in those orbs.  My whole being, including my wolf just relax in a state of bliss as I burrow my body into his chest.  Having him wrapped around me brings me to an internal peace that I have never felt before.

"Thank you Magnus.  You seem to ground me and for that I am grateful."  "Good, now can you please tell me where we are and how do we get out of here?", he asks with a chuckle.

"From the looks of it we seem to be inside the cave that hides right behind the waterfall.  I think I put us both in here."  "How in the world did you do that?", he asks in a shocked voice.  "I am not even sure Mag.  I thought if us inside of here and...well, here we are."

The look on his face tells me he is surprised but not scared so he just shrugs it off and leans in towards my face and nibbles on my bottom lip with his.  I wind my arms around his neck and kiss him with my whole heart.

"It takes all of my being to not breed you and mark you as mine.  You know that don't you Fin." I nod at him because I just cannot speak I am so taken by what he makes me feel and what he gives me in return.  "I can't wait to claim you completely!"  I shudder at his words.

Before things can get trully heated up, he says, "Let's get out of here.  We have a dinner to plan and you may want to speak with you grandmother okay."  I nod in agreement and we untangle ourselves and make our way to the waterfall and jump in.

Before I can break the surface I feel Magnus pull me back down by my ankle and bring his body slithering up against mine.  I feel parts of his body rub against mine under the water and it feels so damn good.  You don't want to play this game with me Mag.  I can breath under water!  I send through our link and laugh as he then swims us both up to the surface but not before planting a sinfully sensual kiss on my lips as we break the surface of the water.

With my whole body wrapped around him, I struggle to catch my breath as I hear him laughing his ass off.  I look right into his eyes and say with gentle mirth, "You are mean!"  "Awe come on baby.  You can't mean that.  You are so tempting and I just wanted a taste."  Again he is trying and failing to put on an innocent face.  "Ummhum...", I respond as I pull away and we start to climb out of the water. 

Suddenly I hear through the pack link, Alpha, Rogue attack!  Magnus looks over at me with worry in his eyes.  I can feel his pure need to protect me while at the same time he needs to fight by his packs side and as comforting as it is I say to him, "Don't!  I can definitely take care of myself and just as much as you want to protect me I want to protect you as well." "But Fin..."  I cut his rant off, "You know I can protect myself better than anyone, even you can.  I am not saying this to insult you. I can help you.  Let me help you!", I plead with him.

He looks at me and takes a deep sigh in as he resolves within himself to give in to me.  "Okay, but Fin you have to completely cover yourself.  No one can detect your presence do you hear me."  I nod my agreement and then we finish climbing out of the water and instantly both of us shift.  

Please be careful baby. There is not much that frightens me but the thought of something happening to you hinders my ability to breath.  Magnus sends through our link.  Hey, caveman, everything scares me but the thought of something happening to you destroys my peace of mind and since only one of us has these abilities or whatever you want to call them, I suggest that you concentrate on not crushing my soul by dying today Okay!

I hear him chuckling through the link and then we race towards the unknown.


Before arriving towards the edge of the pack land borders, I go into full cloak mode.  Nothing and no one can detect my presence.  Mag looks around and I send through our mind link, I am right beside you.  I hear his sigh of relief and then he responds, Good!  Now let's see what you can really do baby! 

The scene before us is pretty intense.  I hear all of the orders being barked out by the Alpha and Betas and all the growling and fighting.  There is blood everywhere and the worst part is, there is no discernible reason why these rogues are attacking.  They cleary cannot win against our pack.  We have twice their numbers fighting against them.

Magnus and I stop in the middle of this battle and suddenly every hair crawls on my body alerting my already keen senses that my man is in danger.  I feel a rogue same size as him come at him from behind and before I can warn him I go into protective mode and my wolf takes over and I turn around, cloak him and shift back into my human form and point my right palm out at him and this immeasurable, powerful heat radiates from it and then the rogue howls in pain as he is engulfed in flames until there is nothing but ashes left.

I am breathing heavy, trying to gain control over my wolf again and turn around and see the look in Magnus' eyes.  I have never done that before and it terrifies me just like I know it terrifies him because not only can I see it in his eyes but I can feel it in his emotions.

He takes a step towards me but afraid of hurting the one person that means more to me than air itself, I turn and jump in mid air, shift and run like hell.  All I hear is, Please baby don't go.  Come back.  It's okay.

Then I hear from our Alpha, My son, where the hell did you just come from?  What the fuck just happened to that rogue?  Holy crap.  What have I done...

FINIS (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now