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Brice and I left the study and Magnus pounced right on me. Holding me in place and looking me over as if I were in battle. I had to laugh because it was just too endearing of him. "Don't you trust your best friend?" "With you, NO!", then he began to laugh out loud at Brice's disturbed expression before he too started laughing.

"So am I to assume by all this good cheer that all is well?", asks Alpha Paden. I looked over at him and with a bit of wickedness in my eyes I stated, "Yes, send in the next victim!" Then Sim the packs Delta approached us.

I walked back into Alpha Paden's office and knew Sim was following me without any hesitation.  As the packs Delta, his primary goal was to mediate within our pack whenever disputes occurred.  To find him at the heart of the problems this pack gave me was a bit of a shock.  It should be in his make-up to want to solve problems not create them.

I sit down in Alpha Paden's seat and then he takes the seat that was previously occupied by Brice.  As I run my gaze over him with a scrutinizing  eyes, you have to also appreciate the sheer physical beauty that Sim has.  He is six feet tall.  He has strawberry blond hair he keeps very short because he truly hates the fact that his hair is curly.   His eyes are a baffling mystery as they are deep, deep black and with his skin almost as pale as mine, it is quite a combination.  

As with all of our kind,  with care we all carry very healthy physics but Sim is muscle all around.  The aura that I am getting from him is pure confidence but I also feel some deep regret.  I clear my throat and he looks straight at me almost ready to accept whatever will befall him at my command.

"You already know why your presence was requested here.  Of all the pack that treated me with less than good intentions.  Your transgressions towards me were not as severe.  You ignored me for the most part but whenever they took it upon themselves to make a public mockery of me, you just chimed right in.  Tell me why you were even capable of doing this because as my Delta, this behavior should have repulsed you and right now I am doubting your ability to do your job for this pack."

He is shifting uncomfortably in his seat and I know that my words are what have caused him discomfort.  He is still gazing right at me when he says, "You have to understand.  I was not born to lead.  I was born to negotiate.  Almost this entire pack disliked you for reasons unknown to me and I took the easy way out.  For this I am sorry!"  As he apologizes he bows his head in deference to me.

"You do not need to be so formal with me Sim.  I am not here asking to be vindicated for you past transgressions."  He begins laughing as he looks back up at me and says, "Yeah that is not what Magnus desires does he?"  "And yet he is not here.  I am.  This is between the two of us and if I am to be expected to put my trust in you then I need to know why."

I must have become agitated to the point of raising my voice because suddenly I hear Magnus' concern filled thoughts enter my head.  Baby, is everything okay?  Do I need to break this damn door down?  I suddenly laugh out loud and respond to him.  Mag, I'm okay!  I'm just a little pissed off  but I am really okay.  When I finish up with Sim we can take a break for a bit so you can make me feel better okay.  I am pretty sure I sound a bit aroused and I hope he gets the hint.  I can hear his chuckle on the other side of the door as he responds.  Okay baby.  Whatever you want!  

I focus back on Sim and find him looking at me closely.  "Can I ask you something Finis?  When did you first realize you were different and so powerful?  When the whole of this pack treated you so badly, why did you never defend yourself because we are now all aware of what you are capable of and if you had handed out any punishment, it would have been rightly deserved."

I reflected on my past and then said, "Well, honestly from the day I was born I felt different but it wasn't until my very first shift that I knew something was not right.  I think that the stress of dealing with all of the bullying from this pack and me wanting so desperately to just fit in anywhere lead me to hide myself because once that first shift happened at thirteen, everything changed from there and I feared being the freak that everyone seemed to treat me as."

FINIS (boyxboy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя