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Oh I am so stuffed from all of this food that I am lethargic.  I am leaning slightly on Magnus as I feel comatose.  I feel his arm wrap around my shoulders as he rubs his nose into my hair on the top of my head.  You know that I love you right.  I turn my head a little and look up into his face.  Ofcourse!  Without a single doubt in my mind.  Why would you ask me that?  You know that I love you right?

He starts rubbing the side of his face against mine so tenderly that I hear a few female sighs in the crowd.  The thought of that makes me laugh a little.  Every single time I have looked into your eyes, I have seen nothing but love.  I think that even when we both weren't aware of our feelings for each other, on some level, love has always been there between us.  We have always had this connection.

Now I am the one sighing.  It 's moments like these when I feel the intense intimacy coming from his heart.  I love him even more for it.  He gently lays a couple of pecks on my lips and smiles at me with such devotion that it takes my breath away.  I feel Alpha Paden shake from his silent laugh and look towards him.  That's when I notice that the Elders are staring directly at Magnus and I.  It's kind of creepy.  

"Son, why don't you take Finis to bed.  We have a very early day planned for tomorrow with our visitors."  "Father I was to show them to their rooms."  Magnus responds.  "Don't worry about them.  I will take care of it.  Finis looks like he is about ready to nod off.  Go and rest up as we will all need it come tomorrow."

Magnus nods his head in agreement and shakes me a bit to wake me from my food daze.  I blink my eyes and look around the hall and that's when I notice that the entire pack is staring at us as well.  That made me feel very uncomfortable.  I turn to Alpha Paden and ask, "Will you make sure Nan gets in okay?"  He smiles this brilliantly bright smile at me and says, "Ofcourse Finis.  Always!"

He bows his head to me as we rise from our chairs to go back to the main house.  The guys are staying behind with Alpha Paden.  I look around again at everyone inside of this building and they all have their heads slightly bowed to me in acknowledgement of my position.  Even the Elders are showing me this same respect.

I wish they would cut it out.  I don't think it's necessary and I know I will never be comfortable with the gesture.


I wake to the sounds of nature in its purest form.  By that I mean that I feel each buzz, every wing flutter, even the wind as it rustles the leaves on the trees.  I feel them like a pulse inside of my heart.  It is still pretty early in the morning.  The sun is getting ready to rise in the sky.  I can feel when it rises and descends.  The first time that happened I was so scared because I could feel its presence with my whole body.

I am beginning to understand just what it was that the Goddess did.  She did not bestow her blessings upon me, she transferred part of her powers to me.  Although her power is infinite and the origin unknown, mine comes solely from her.  I have also realized something else.  It is for me to break the curse that was laid upon my kind.  It is for me to pass judgement and decide if our species deserves to have the gift of mating restored.  

Each day that passes I wake with certain knowledge and I can only surmise that the Goddess is communicating with me in my dreams just like the one I had of Magnus so long ago.  With Magnus by my side I am learning to accept it all little by little but some of it still overwhelms me.

I turn in the arms of my mate and wrap my arms around his neck as he unconsciously buries his face into the side of my neck.  I am almost sure I just heard him purr and I can feel extreme happiness coming from him.  I have a feeling that if I concentrated hard enough, I could look into his mind and see what he is dreaming of but I'm not doing that to him.  Not without his knowing and besides, I have a pretty good idea what he's dreaming about as I feel his member becoming erect against my inner thigh.

He is starting to rub his hard tool up and down against me and now he is beginning to get me worked up.  I have to stop this or we will never leave this room once he fully becomes awake.  When is comes to my man, my defenses are weak.

I felt his essence wake before he physically showed the signs and then he started growling into my ear and quickly rubbing his hard on against mine.  "Babe, cut it out.  You know we have a very early start with the Elders and I have no intention of being late again."  He growls out into my ear in this husky, lust induced voice, "Baby, we have a couple of hours before we have to deal with them.  It's still pretty early.

Every hair on my body stands at attention from the vibrations he is sending down my body just from talking into my ear.  "No, we have to get ready.  I want an early start to get my head in order before we finally meet with them."  He sighs heavily into my neck and says, "You are right baby."  Oh he gave in way too easy so now, I don't trust him.

I turn my head to look into his prefect face and he gives me the most tenderest of kisses first just pressing his lips to mine over and over again and then swiping his tongue over both of my lips as he gives them an open mouth kiss ending in him sucking both of my lips at once.

See, bad wolf.  Very bad wolf because now all I can focus on is his body sealed tight to mine.  He starts laughing with glee as he suddenly pulls away from me and hops out of the bed and wiggles his sexy ass all the way to the en suite.  Oh hell no.

In the blink of an eye I go from the bed to right in front of him and put my hands out in front of him to keep him in place.  I lift one of my hands up slightly and now he is hovering a few inches off the floor.  "Really baby.  You going to keep me prisoner?  Oooh better yet, sex slave!", he says with a smirk on his face.  I walk up to him and get real close.  I scan his emotions to ensure that my man is not having any uncomfortable feelings about my use of power over him.

Nothing, I get nothing but sheer joy from him.  "YOU, better finish what you started you tease."  He sees the playfulness  on my face and with a dramatic sigh of inconvenience says, "Oh alright!  It you insist.  Let me down."  "You know what babe?  Maybe you should be punished for toying with your mate.  I think I might just leave you right where you are and make you watch me pleasure myself until I orgasm all over you."

I hear a very loud growl.  "You wouldn't do that to me would you baby.  You know you love me too much to torture me like that.  You are not a cruel man."  I look into his eyes and watch them follow the path of my hand fondling myself from my neck all the way down to the base of my penis.  His breathing becomes a bit heavier.

As I wrap my fingers around myself, I seek out a connection to his baser more physical need of me and I merge my desire with his and then stroke myself and hear him gasp out loud.  "Oh my Fin, what in the world is that?  What are you doing to me?"  I stroke myself up and down a couple of times more and his breathing is now labored.

"You like that babe?  You are feeling what I am feeling right now."  "How Fin?  How is this even possible and why is it so intense?", he pants out.  I say through deep breaths, "Because you are feeling what I am feeling which is the combination of your desire and mine in its purest form."  I am stroking myself faster and Magnus is now focused on his pleasure as he closes his eyes.

Well we can't have that because I want him, no need him to watch me as I come for him.  "Babe, open your eyes.  I'm almost there.  So are you and I want to look in your eyes when I come for you."  Well that did it because when Magnus opens his eyes they are the red of his wolf.  Mine respond in kind and then as both of our bodies are vibrating with the intensity of my strokes, we both moan out our releases at each other making quite a mess.

I put my hand down and let Magnus come back down to the floor and the moment his feet touch the ground he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me senseless.  "I am so glad your MY mate baby.  Life will never be boring with you!"  He chuckles out.

I look up into his eyes and quietly ask, "So, you were okay with what we just did?  You were okay with me having control over you like that?"  He tenderly grazes my cheek with his fingers and says, "Baby, you are my mate.  I trust you explicitly.  Do you have any idea how hot it was what you just did for me, for us?"

The beginnings of a smile takes over my lips.  "I know I am suppose to be this big bad Alpha, but with my mate, with you, I get to just be me and just now I got to see a part of you that is only meant for me.  Never doubt yourself or us okay!  Never..."


FINIS (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now