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Everyone is in a bustle getting ready for the arrival of the Elders!  Me,  I'm on the fence about their visit.  The last twenty four hours was hard enough trying to determine if I could put my trust in our Beta, Delta and Gamma.  I did come to the determination that with some time, we will get to know each other better and hopefully we can establish friendships.  At least for now I know I am comfortable with having them backing me up during the meeting with the Elders.

I have also spent the past day observing the members of the Lothian pack.  My pack.  Something is different.  They seem to look stronger, more confident, even a bit more aggressive.  I just can't seem to put my finger on it.  Even my Nan is showing signs of a difference in her being.  She just seems to have a glow about her, although Alpha Paden could have something to do about that.  I chuckle at the thought.

Maybe this is a subject I can broach with the Elders who may just be able to shed some light on the situation.  A new thing to get used to is that the pack members have been visiting the Alpha's house in the hope of having an audience with me and either apologizing for past offences or pledging their loyalty to me.  

Having been a loner most of my life, it is quite overwhelming and something that will take some time to adjust to.  Another change I need to become accustomed to is that in less than a day, Alpha Paden, and I suspect Magnus as well, pretty much moved me and Nan into his home.  Although she may have her own room, for now, I was moved right into Magnus' room as people have already accepted us being mates even though we have not officially completed our mating.  We have also not announced our mating officially since the impending arrival of the Elders has taken everyone's time and attention.

With all of these sudden changes in my life, there is yet one more.  Trahern never leaves my side unless I am with Magnus or Alpha Paden.  This is his primary goal other than to lead our enforcers.  Even though he has a complete understanding of the fact that I can protect myself, he feels that because I am an Omega with a great capacity for compassion, I need him by my side to be my fierce and unforgiving will when called upon. He pretty much thinks I'm a softy!  Ha...

I understand where he is coming from.  Trahern has no fear of anything except for one.  In my search of his heart I did find that the idea of him being no longer useful within this pack is the one fear that drives him to be the person, the wolf he is today.  I don't mind.  I think he feels he has much to prove and he does to me.  So, in allowing him to fulfill his required duty as my Gamma, I appease not just him but my very overprotective mate.

The Elders are due to arrive this very night and there will be festivities celebrating their arrival as they do not visit any of the packs since their sister fell on the day the our Goddess handed out our curse.  There was a time when the Elders interacted with the packs but now they are almost hermit like.  Maybe this will change as well.

I hear a noise in the background.  I am on the back porch of Alpha Paden's home aimlessly swinging back and forth on the hanging swinging bench without actually physically moving the swing.  "That will take some getting used to sweetness."  My Nan chuckles out.  I stop the swing from moving long enough to allow her to sit and then proceed to move it with my mind.

I am still looking out across the vast yard and forest behind this house and it is huge.  "You have something on your mind?"  "I guess.  I am not really trying to concentrate on any one thought for too long.  I am just letting my mind swing aimlessly, like this bench.  I say to her.  " But it is your mind that is controlling this swing dear."  "Trust me Nan, for me this is aimless.  Nothing is wrong.  I am anxious to see what the Elders have to say but other than that, right now I am just trying to acclimate to all the changes in both of our lives."

"I told Paden it was not necessary to move us in here."  She says looking around in wonder like I still seem to do when taking in the view.  "You know that is not true Nan.  I know why I am here.  Do you have any idea why you are here?  It's not because you are my family."  She looks down into her lap and I notice a very deep blush graze her cheeks.  "You and Alpha Paden belong together.  I know this with one hundred percent certainty."  "How can you know something like that?"  She looks up at me while questioning me.

"Please do not repeat this to anyone.  This is just between me and you okay Nan.  I am trusting you in this as I have always trusted you in all things."  "You have nothing to worry about from me sweetness."  She gives me a smile that I now recognize as my own.  I have her smile and that makes me happy inside.

"I am not sure when I came into this ability but when we almost lost you during the rogue attack and Alpha Paden laid you at me feet.  The love I felt for you coming off of him was so intense that I was able to see it like a thread from him leading to you.  He is your True Mate Nan.  I have the power to see true matings."

She looks at me in disbelief even though I feel in her the acceptance of the truth of my words.  She goes to open her mouth but instead I hear, "And that is why no one can know about that ability.  Can you imagine what every shifter in the world would do to try and find that out?  Now do you understand the need for Trahern to be by your side?"  I must have given him an unsavory look.

"Don't give me that look either baby because I know you think I am ridiculous for wanting someone to be by your side to defend you when I know very well what you are capable of."  I gasped out loud then got up and went right over to him and said, "Babe, I could never think of you as anything but what you truly are, wonderful.  I most certainly don't believe you are ridiculous.  I understand your need on this subject, I do and I have accepted it."

It amazes me with how much bigger and badder my mate is compared to me, all it takes is one touch from me and he is as tame as a kitten.  "Don't think that I don't know what your doing."  I start giggling and so does Nan which then causes Magnus to laugh his behind off.  Laughter always is the best tension breaker.

"Well, I will leave you two alone as I want to check on the preparations before Paden finds out."  She hurries past me before I can really register what she said.   Well let him deal with her as I have my own mate to tend to.  "You know I am very serious about this new ability right?  No one else should know."  "I understand and I certainly do not want anyone knowing just exactly what it is I am capable of.  We are still learning ourselves.  It doesn't matter anyway."

"Why do you say that?"  "The only time I have ever been able to detect a true mating was with Nan and Alpha Paden.  It has not presented itself since."  I responded.  "Maybe it's better that way!"  As I walk right into Magnus' arms, I nod my assent and enjoy the calm before the storm.


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