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I am completely content. Magnus is lying down on his back on the ground. One of his legs is bent with his foot on the ground and his other leg is straight flat down. Where am I? I am lying on top of my man slightly on my side with my face nuzzled against the side of his neck while he is grazing the fingers of one of his hands slowly up and down my back. I am quite serene.

"Baby?" "Mhhm!" I hear him chuckle lightly. "Why were you so nervous to tell me what was going on?" he asks. "I did not want you to think I was intentionally intruding on your thoughts and feelings. I don't really have any control over it." I feel his arms wrap around me and squeeze me gently and I could feel his love. "Baby, you are the last person capable of doing something bad unless it was to protect your loved ones."

Just as I am about to let out an unmanly fit of giggles, I suddenly feel this overwhelming sense of panic and I jump up off of Magnus. This causes him to go on high alert. I open myself up to this emotion in an attempt to locate its source. It hits me with the force of a ton of bricks. I look over at Magnus and he instinctively knew to shift as my eyes burn in their intensity from my wolf trying to take over.

As he gets ready to takes off, I put my hand up to stop him. Magnus stills as he senses my power come over us as I teleport us from my haven right into the middle of our pack territory which is in complete chaos. Magnus immediately starts attacking the rogues nearest to us who seem to be in complete shock since they cannot see let alone sense his presence.

Alpha Paden where are you and what the hell is going on? Where is my Nan? I send through the mind link. I look around wildly and I see that a rogue is getting ready to attack the beta Brice from behind while he is distracted by the two rogues he is currently fighting. I put my right hand out in front of me and focus all of my energy on these three rogues and all you hear is their painful shrieking howls as they suddenly are engulfed in flames and burn out until there is nothing left but their ashes.

I suddenly fear the horror and total fear that emanates from every rogue around me and begin to open myself up to that power within me and suddenly I feel the dots of ember as I begin to locate each and every one and begin to burn them out to almost nothing. My only thought is to annihilate them. Some do get away but most do not and in the end what is left is destruction, blood, fallen bodies some dead a lot more injured and many confused werewolves as they have no clue what the hell just happened.

I feel utter despair as the pack begins to part for Alpha Paden who is holding a badly wounded woman. That is when I realize that it is my Nan and before I can completely lose all of myself to my wolf from to the agony of that sight, Magnus wraps himself around me and holds on tight sending out every positive emotion he can to me to try to keep me calm, grounded.

Baby, please stay calm. You cannot help her if you give into the agony. Please, I am here in whatever capacity you need me to be. In that next moment, all you here is the collective gasps and intakes of breath and I uncloak Magnus and I. The entire pack can now see us but I don't really care because I can focus on is the possible loss of the most important woman in my life.

Alpha Paden stops right in front of me and kneels down on the ground and lays the almost lifeless body of my Nan at my feet. I fall down on my knees next her and Magnus follows me down never letting me go. His touch is the soothing balm holding me together. I look at my Alpha and all I feel is utter despair and suddenly it dawns on me. He loves my Nan. Could he be her true mate?

"If you are truly an Omega, the One, then not only do you have the ability to take her pain away but I believe you can heal her. Please Finis!" My Alpha is begging me and all around me I feel the shock and confusion within the pack but none of it matters to me because there is no way I am losing my Nan.

I place one hand on her forehead and the other just above her wound which is near her stomach. I close my eyes and concentrate on trying to find, I don't even know what yet. Suddenly the palm of my hand over her stomach feels cold and tingly. I can feel her now. She is in immense pain so I send her a wave of reassurance and her pain stops. "Concentrate baby. Oh my...Fin its working!" I hear Magnus say.

I look down at my Nan and there is this white bright light coming from the center of my hand and the light is flowing right into her wound and she is healing. Suddenly I feel her consciousness and then she opens her eyes and looks around in confusion first at me and then over to Alpha Paden. Ah...there it is. I feel her emotions towards him. They are true mates I can see their bond. I let go of my Nan and fall back against Magnus chest and let out an exhausted sigh of relief.

As Alpha Paden helps my Nan sit up all I hear is, "Sweetness, what in the world is going on?" Magnus starts to laugh heartily while still holding onto me. I feel a strong sense of reverence coming from the pack. All of us stand up and I wrap my Nan into a big hug and send to her via the mind link, Thank the Goddess you are okay. I honestly don't know what I would do if I lost you.

She looks up into my eyes and says, "You would be okay my dear because while you don't want to live without me, you absolutely cannot live without him!" She looks over at Magnus with an endearing smile. Then to my utter shock and disbelief, every member of the pack whether they were in human or wolf form, bowed down before me... 

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