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I look over at my Nan as she is starting to fall asleep in her chair.  She seems to become more exhausted each day.  I wake her to get her to go to bed.  "I know that you are not going to Magnus' celebration so where will you be going sweetness?", she asks.  "I will be going for a run and before you worry yourself to death, I promise to be very careful and be mindful of my surroundings.  I just need to free my wolf for a bit.", I respond and as if in understanding, she nods her head, kisses me on my cheek and goes up to bed.

As I leave my home, I look around me and although I know there is no one around, I decide to take off my sneakers and just run in my human form.  A new discovery is that I can now run as fast in human form as in wolf form which means that I am faster than my entire pack running as a human.  I am still trying to process that one.

So I take off so quickly that to the eye I should be an undistinguishable blur.  I need the solace of my safe haven like I need air right now.  I get there pretty quickly and drop my sneakers on the ground next to the whirlpool.  I strip down to my boxer briefs and lay on the ground with my legs immersed in the water up to my knees.  I finally feel relaxed but I will have to dunk my whole body in soon because I am all sweat and dirt.

 After about a half hour I decide to remove my under garment and jump right into the pool.  I reach the bottom which is only about twenty-five feet deep and mostly smooth.  There is some carp and plant life nearer the waterfall and some fish swim around as well but mostly it is bare.  I lay my body down flat against the floor bed and close my eyes and just let all of my senses go.  Doing this relaxes me in a way I just cannot describe.  I feel as though my soul is detoxing and usually when I am done, I feel completely cleansed and free.

After about two hours, I decide to come back up and lay down under the moon and just bask in it.  Don't judge me, it's a wolf thing!  As I break through the water I hear a loud growl and turn around only to be completely surprised by what I find in front of me.  I gasp quite loudly and go on high alert as I mask my scent as best as possible and try to curb this heat suddenly building up inside of me.

Magnus is standing naked in front of me.  It looks like I may have startled him when I came up as he was about to jump in the pool.  "What the hell are you doing here?", he growls out quite fiercely and it causes me to flinch not in fear but, I don't know...something else.  He looks me over as I submerge my lower half and he seems regretful.  "I am sorry Finis.  I did not mean to sound so formidable with you.  You came out of nowhere and not many people can surprise me but you seem to have managed it and again I am so sorry!"

I look over at him and with a slight blush in my cheeks, I whisper, "It's okay.  I know you did not mean it.  By the way, Happy Birthday!"  He stares back at me with a slight smile to his lips and starts walking into the water towards me and the closer he gets, the faster my heart starts to beat.  What the heck is wrong with me.  I need to get myself together because the peace that I had just achieved at the bottom of my pool has been completely replaced by this pure need to be near Magnus.

I am losing it!  He approaches me and is now standing about three or four feet in front of me.  "Happy Birthday to you too Finis.  I hope that your special day is going better than mine.", he says.  Suddenly feeling his emotions so clearly as if they were my own surprises me and I reply, "You remember my birthday?  Thank you!  Why is your day not special?  What could be wrong?  You have what seems like the whole world here celebrating your day."  "And yet with all of those people here, I feel that in this moment, with you, my day now feels special.  It's different when two people who share a birthday, can celebrate together don't you think?"

I look over at him and can now feel this sense of peace coming over him.  It's funny because it was said that the omegas of old had the ability to relieve tension within their packs.  How, is a mystery.  Maybe it was their presence like what seems to be happening with him.  I don't know what prompted me to ask this, "Did you want to hang out with me?  I don't need cake because my Nan made me a scrumptious one earlier.  We could hang out and swim around if you'd like."

"I would love to spend time with you.  Thank you for inviting me to join you.  I have a feeling I have intruded on your personal space.", he says with a bit of a chuckle.  "How did you find my haven anyway?", I asked him and he responds, "I'm not sure I can explain it.  Over the past month or so, while running out in the woods I have felt this pull towards this place.  I did not even know it existed until last week.  And last week there was this incredible smell for all of like a second and then, nothing.  I found a bit of solace here so I came back to get away from it all."

"Feeling a bit overwhelmed?", I ask him.  "Not anymore!", he says while looking straight at me and walking closer to me.  Then he suddenly stops about two feet away from me and frowns a bit as he asks, "Do I make you nervous?  You have nothing to fear from me you know that right Finis?" "Other than my Nan, I don't really spend time around anyone so yes, I do feel a bit nervous around you but you don't scare me Magnus.  I know you would never hurt me in any way."

Then my breath catches as I watch him come closer and reach out towards my necklace with his hand and I gasp loud enough for him to notice.  Before he can touch me, he lowers his hand back into the water and says, "Is that new?  I don't remember you ever wearing any jewelry"  "My Nan gave it to me as my birthday present.  It was my mothers and her mother before her as far back as our generations remember."  He says, "It's beautiful!"  "Thank you.  It's a locket.  Wearing it makes me feel close to the parents I never knew."

He begins to reach for me again when instead he grips his head as I can clearly hear his father, our alpha, yell through the link as to where the hell is he.  I hear him respond that he is on his way shortly and close his side of the link.  Ofcourse I have to look like I have no idea what is going on because I should not be able to hear a linked conversation between two alphas.

Instead I say, "Is everything okay?"  to which he responds, "Yes,  As much as I wish to stay here, I must go.  Duty calls.  That was my father wondering where the guest of honor is at.  Thank you for giving me a little bit of peace on this day and again, Happy Birthday Finis!"  I bow my head slightly to him and smile knowing that I did that for him and he turns and gets out of the pool, shifts and is gone all in the blink of a normal eye.

I lay back down and let myself sink to the bottom and contemplate the fact that my birthday wish came true.  I wished to be able to see Magnus, even from afar but what I just got was so much better!

FINIS (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora