Chapter 2

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"I can't believe classes start tomorrow" Rye says whining

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"I can't believe classes start tomorrow" Rye says whining

"Rye it isn't that bad" I say to her going through my clothes to find something comfortable to wear for the afternoon

"Not bad?, not bad Novy ARE YOU SERIOUS, I don't know what to wear tomorrow or the next day or the next day AFTER" Rye says frustrated walking to her closet and going through her clothes

I just stare at her in shock watching her go through her clothes

"I LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING TO WEARRR" Rye says falling dramatically on her bed

"Let me help" I say walking up to her clothes

"NO, don't even think about it Nove, you have no taste in fashion, no offence" Rye says getting up quickly and running to her closet so I don't touch anything

"None taken" I say turning back to my closet and grab a pair of grey sweatpants and a long sleeve crop grey/blue shirt

"None taken" I say turning back to my closet and grab a pair of grey sweatpants and a long sleeve crop grey/blue shirt

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Novys outfit^

Then jumping on my bed and grabbing a book I haven't read yet and my glasses off the bedside table that is right next to my bed

I put my fluffy blanket on top of me and lay back and started to read Punk 57

"Sooo I was thinking if you want to come with me to the mall?" Rye says walking up to my bed and jumping on it

"Why?" I say looking up from my book

"Pleaseee I need to get some new stuff, I'll get you a new book" Ryes says persuading me

"Ok fine, but I'm choosing the book, got it?" I say getting up into a sitting position closing my book with my book mark and place it down on my bedside table with my glasses as well

"Got it" Rye says jumping of my bed running to put her shoes on

I huff and get off my bed hoping today will end already, I bend down and look under my bed to see all my shoes I grab my Jordan 4s (retro white midnight navy)

Sliding them on with a little struggle and tying them both tightly, after I was done I look up and see Rye waiting at the door for me with her car keys

I groan and stand up walking up to her

"Ok are we going or what?" I say staring at her

"Oh yeah sorry" Rye says turning around and opening the door

I walk right behind her making sure I close the door and lock it, I follow her all the way to her car and sliding into the passenger seat after she finally unlocked it

Her car is soooo nice a Lamborghini Urus S, her parents are rich rich, well mine are too but they want me to work for the stuff I want I guess

Her car is soooo nice a Lamborghini Urus S, her parents are rich rich, well mine are too but they want me to work for the stuff I want I guess

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Ryes car^

We both put our seat belts on, she starts the car and tells me to connect to Bluetooth and put music on

I go through my playlist and put on Or Nah
We both love that song so much I may look innocent but if you see my playlist and the books that I read, I don't look like a innocent person at all


After we arrived at the mall we both get out of the car and Rye locks it then we start walking inside

"Ok so I was thinking Gucci first, let's goooo" Rye says running away from me

"Bruhhh stop running from me bitch" I say going after her

"Come on I think it's over here" Rye say walking to Gucci and walking inside

"This girl" I muttered shaking my head walking behind her

"So what are you going to get?" I say to her staring at the purses

"Umm let me just look around" Rye says looking around

I shake my head at her knowing damn well she won't buy anything

Few minutes later...

"Ok umm I don't think I'm going to get anything, let's go" Rye say walking up to me, grabbing my arm and pulling me out the store

"Ok stop dragging me, let's just walk around the place and find something" I say shrugging pulling away from her as she still has my arm

"Ok" Rye says already walking away from me

I groan knowing that it's going to take hours


After 3 hours of being here, YES THREE I was about to collapse my legs were hurting so bad, we both are already in the car heading back to college

"Sooo I was thin-" Rye says getting cut off by me

"Nah ah ah, I don't want to know what your thinking, you didn't even get me my book you promised me" I say pointing at her with a glare

"Ooookkk I'm sorry" Rye says still driving

"Sureeee your sorry, anyways who's excited for classes tomorrow" I say with an excited look

"Not me" Rye says rolling her eyes

We finally arrived parking into our assigned parking spot

"Can you help me get these bags out, pleaseee" Rye says pleading

"No" I say opening the door, jumping out and shutting the door behind me

"Whyyyy, there is sooo many bags why can't you just help me" Rye says walking over to me

"You were holding all your bags when you walked out the store so you can do it now" I say turning around and walking inside the building

"BITCHHH I HATE YOU SO MUCH" Rye says yelling

"I LOVE YOU TOO" I say yelling back laughing

I walk to the elevator and walk inside pressing the button that goes to my floor room


Second chapter is done!!!

I hope you are liking it so far

I hope you guys have an amazing day
Love you all


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